These children have all been MATCHED with a family, or have a family pursuing them, and are all now home or will be soon. So thankful they are a loved, cherished, and adored son or daughter!

"Truthfully, they are no different than typical children. Yes they have different challenges. But my sweethearts I will never worry about a lot of things typical parents worry about. Just like typical parents don't worry about a lot of things we worry about"

Once a child turns 13, I will remove the blog post unless the family is ok with the child staying up. Teenagers deserve that respect and privacy, and may not wish to have their story or diagnoses displayed publicly. I am a strong advocate that even people with complex medical needs still have the right to remain private, even if they can't verbally express that consent or desires. I will leave this page the same as it only features advocacy names, and you may want to see the children that did find a family in for that particular year. Just know that some of these links may be broken or outdated. 

Barney in Bulgaria! - Home in November 2023!
Selena in Taiwan!
Jesse in Haiti! - Home in December 2023!
Jonas & Jonah in Taiwan!
Donte in Colombia!
Ned in Bulgaria! Home in July 2023!
A girl with Down Syndrome in Serbia!
Taylor in Hong Kong!
Marco in Colombia! - Adopted by a family in Belgium!
Julie in Bulgaria! Home in August 2023!
Norna in Taiwan!
Albin in Bulgaria!
Candy in the Philippines! 

"If you see a child that pulls at that loving mother heart take the leap. You will not regret it for one single moment"

Archer in Colombia!
Martin in the Philippines!
Deklan in the Philippines!
Hailee in Taiwan!
A girl with cerebral palsy in the Caribbean! Donate to her family! Family FSP
Marcko in Bulgaria!
Pippy in Bulgaria! Home in April 2024!
Azul in Colombia!
Bronner in Bulgaria!
Alonzo in Colombia!
Briar in Bulgaria!
Jaida in Taiwan!
Iverie in Kyrgyzstan! - Home in November 2023!
Keith in the Philippines!
Michey in Bulgaria! - Donate to his family!
Kacper in Colombia! 
Nashton in Taiwan!
Graden in Bulgaria!
Hennes in Bulgaria!
Emelyn in Kyrgyzstan!
Arne in Ecuador!
Jean in Taiwan!
Marianne in Colombia!
Nevan in Bulgaria!
Sally & Cory in Poland!
Quint in Haiti!
Mitchell in Bulgaria!
Paulie in Bulgaria!

Drako in Bulgaria!
Silas in Bulgaria!
Antony in Colombia!
Janet in Taiwan!
Benedict in Ecuador!
Channing in Colombia!
Art, Ross, & Nancy in Bulgaria!
Zeek in Bulgaria!
Clay in Colombia!
A boy with developmental delays in the Caribbean! Follow their journey!
