

Listed February 2021


This week is cleft palate awareness week! I will try to highlight some of my favorite children who have a cleft palate diagnosis.

Meet beautiful “Isla”. Isla is 7, and living in Eastern Europe. She is diagnosed with a cleft palate, and developmental delay.

Isla has a Pierre Robin Sequence, and many children with this also have a cleft palate. A cleft palate is an “opening or split in the roof of the mouth that occurs when the tissue doesn’t fuse together during development in the womb”.

Isla has had surgery on her lip and palate, and is doing well.
Isla only started walking a few months ago. She likes to put toys in her mouth, and she is currently nonverbal.

Isla needs a mama to give her all the love and attention she deserves.

She has a $35 personal grant with Reece’s Rainbow, a $2,000 grant with Agape Adoptions, and a  $1,500 grant with Saint Mary International! 

As we begin Cleft Palate Awareness week, I ask that you SHARE Isla, and educate yourself on kiddos with this diagnosis. Isla is a beautiful girl, and there are hundreds of beautiful orphans like her still waiting.

Don’t make Isla wait any longer. Click the link to make an inquiry or donate to Isla's adoption.


updated photo May 2022


Agape Adoptions, who posted Isla on RainbowKids as "Victoria" as of 5/31/22 has added microcephaly and kidney disease to her diagnoses. 

Isla can hold and grasp objects. She can now walk independently! She can walk short distances without support and can use the stairs with minimal help. She loves light up toys, and those that play music. She recognizes familiar adults. Isla loves hugs, and will seek comfort when upset. She knows her name when she hears it called. Isla had begun to make some sounds, as well as word approximations like "pa-pa". She does not yet make facial expressions, and uses gestures and gutteral sounds to communicate. She falls asleep on her own. Isla is still spoon fed by an adult, and can eat small pieces of food with assistance. She is not yet potty trained. 

I hate to see this beautiful little girl growing up through photos, and not with her family. Don't you just want to play with that gorgeous hair of hers? Scroll above to find Isla's Reece's Rainbow link. Don't make her wait any longer. 

updated photo May 2022

Updated photo May 2022


Isla loves to pick up toys and will follow them. She can walk, but typically still crawls to get where she wants to, as she walks slowly. She is currently being followed by a psychologist. 

Isla desperately needs a mama to give her all the love and care she so deserves. She needs access to quality medical care and therapies. She needs YOU. Please, click the link above to make an inquiry. Take a CHANCE on Isla. And if you can't do that, at least donate $1 or two. I pray this is her last Thanksgiving an orphan.


Isla is now listed as "Ivy" with Saint Mary International! Her bio reads: Isla is a calm and positive six year old girl currently living in an orphanage. She has recently started walking by herself, but walks slowly, and climbs up and down stairs with support. Isla can pick up a toy and play with it, but still puts things in her mouth. Isla is not yet talking, but will make vocalizations. She is currently being followed by a psychologist and a pedagogue. Isla shows interest in toys, and her favorites are those that light up. She eats food that is cut into small pieces, and her favorites are yogurt and biscuits. Isla is not yet potty trained. It is beyond me how this beautiful girl still waits. That long hair is just ASKING to be braided and played with, and can you imagine the joy of dressing Isla in all the cutest fashions? Please take a chance on Isla and the beautiful girl that she is, both inside and out. She's waited since she was a tiny girl, and now at six years old, is STILL needing a forever family that will love her unconditionally. Please don't let her go overlooked yet another year!

Isla is now listed as "Ivy" with Alliance for Children! Her bio reads: Isla is a calm and positive 6-year-old living in a baby home in Eastern Europe. She does have some delays but she recently started walking by herself. She walks slowly, climbs and goes down stairs holding onto the railings. She can pick up toys, manipulate them and explore them with her mouth. She shows interest and prefers to play with glowing toys. She follows moving objects with her head and eyes. She pronounces loud vocal sounds.  Isla had a successful surgery on her lip and palate.  She has delays regarding her physical and neuro-mental development. She works individually with psychologist and a teacher. She receives permanent rehabilitation, too.  Isla was not diagnosed with any mental disorders. She eats food cut into small pieces. She enjoys yogurt and biscuits. She does wear diapers. Ivy would love to find a special, loving family to call her own.


Isla is now listed as "Victoria" with Children's House International! Her most recent update reads: Isla is calm most of the time. She does not avoid interactions, but she mostly is in her own space. Isla does not express strong emotions, and rarely smiles. She typically expresses her discomfort after finishing a meal, and does so by crying or whining. Isla likes to be hugged and the physical touch comforts her. She trusts adults. Isla enjoys spending time outside, especially on the swing. She is nonverbal, but makes vocalizations. Isla is used to being around other children. She allows verbal and physical contact, and being led by the hand, directed, or held during activities. 


Isla has a new update with Hopscotch where she is listed as "Adena"! Her update reads: Isla continues to make slow developmental progress. She walks independently and her endurance and muscle strength have improved. Nonetheless, Isla prefers to lie on her belly and perform stereotypical movements, such as looking at her own hands and moving her limbs in specific patterns. Isla is able to participate in targeted and varied activities with adults for about 30 minutes, including short breaks and sensory input. She can catch and throw balls, join in musical games, as well as string and nest with appropriate toys. Isla enjoys being outdoors, especially on the swings. Isla is a calm and quiet child who overall neither avoids nor seeks interactions and seemingly does not mind if left alone. While she responds to environmental stimuli, she seems to be mostly in her own world and does not show strong emotional reactions or facial expressions. Isla vocalizes guttural sounds and some syllables. She carries out simple, everyday instructions and responds when called by name. Isla enjoys and feels comforted by physical touch and trusts the adults that work with her. She has established a strong emotional and playful connection with a specific older child being raised in the same facility. Isla is well adapted to the daily routines at the orphanage. She is fed small pieces of food and often cries quietly after meals. She cannot yet drink from a cup independently. The staff at her orphanage are working on toilet training. Isla sleeps well. A family interested in adopting this beautiful girl must be prepared for additional medical and developmental diagnoses as well as evolving support needs upon a complete evaluation by specialists in the US. 


Isla is now listed as "Victoria" with Children's House International! Her update reads: Isla can turn from her back to her stomach. Isla is also able to control her head, and she can independently move from a lying position onto all fours as well as a sitting position. When Isla walks, she has an adult hold both of her hands while moving. Isla cam follow objects from her eyes and head, and she is able to grab hanging objects. Isla likes glowing toys, and she recognizes voices and familiar toys, and pleasant adults. When Isla is in discomfort, she starts crying and wants to be hugged or have her hands held so she feels comforted. Isla goes to sleep independently, and sleeps calmly. She is fed by a spoon from an adult, and she also can eat small pieces of food with an adult helping her. Isla wears diapers, and she is calm in the bath. I can't believe this beautiful and perfect girl still waits. I would love to see her in a family in 2024. See past her disability, see her as a little girl needing a mama! Can you imagine doing her hair and snuggling with Isla? Do you have room in your heart and home for this precious girl? Scroll above and click the link to inquire or donate towards her grant!
