BARNEY - family found!


Meet baby “Barney”! Barney is 1 year old, and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with a developmental delay, microcephaly, and agenesis of the corpus callosum.

Let me tell you, Barney will just MELT your heart just like he did mine! With long eyelashes and chubby cheeks, he is such a cutie! Barney likes toys that light up and make sounds. He is a curious boy who likes to scoot around the room to explore his surroundings. Barney will laugh and smile when you tickle him, and he loves to be snuggled and sang to.

Barney can sit on his own, and stand with support. He recognizes adults and will smile and make eye contact. Barney falls asleep easily, and has recently started being spoon fed.

Barney is currently receiving physical therapy daily, and is followed by a pediatric neurologist.

Barney currently has a $2,000 grant towards his adoption with Hand in Hand!

Barney needs quality therapies, medical care, and most importantly love in order to continue making progress. Don’t make this tiny boy wait years for his mama. Make him your son!


"Barney" is now Theo, and doing exceptionally well settling into his family! Theo and his family arrived in America just a few weeks ago. He is so loved by his mama and daddy. Theo is described as a sweet little boy, and is so very loved by his family. Theo's story has a happy ending thanks to the Wheeler family. He is a loved little boy, and son. So many children just like Theo are still out there waiting for families of their own. I am so thankful to God for giving this little boy a home where he can thrive and grow. Congratulations to the Wheeler family! Welcome home Theo! (posted with permission from the Wheeler family).
