
Listed January 2020

"Michael" aka "Graham"

Meet handsome "Michael" aka "Graham"! Michael is 9 years old, and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with autism.

Michael loves sports, especially soccer. He likes music, and playing with action figures. He is a very active boy!

Michael has a $1,009.00 personal grant with Reece's Rainbow, a $2,000 grant with Hand in Hand, and a $2,500 grant with Wasatch Adoptions! 

"Michael" is such a sweet boy, and has waited far too long. He is good natured, and so deserves a loving family. Could he be the missing piece of your family? Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards his adoption!



Michael's father is unknown and his mother abandoned him. This sweet boy loves to smile and make new friends! He still waits for his forever family, could he be your son? Scroll above and click the link to make an inquiry. Don't let "Michael" be forgotten!

Michael is a sweet boy who loves listening to music. He likes to play soccer and will play independently. He can eat independently.


Michael is now also listed as "Georgi" with An Open Door Adoption Agency! Michael has autism and moderate mental retardation. This has led to some developmental delays. He is a positive child, with very little aggression to others, but can become anxious in unfamiliar environments. He enjoys playing soccer and listening to music. He is introverted and prefers to play alone, but occasionally seeks out interaction with adults. He typically tries to remain calm and independent. He eats cleanly and without assistance, and he does not struggle to sleep. Michael has been waiting for so long for his forever family! Overlooked year after year. I pray that 2023 is his last year as an orphan. Please don't let him wait much longer!

Michael is now listed as "Gabe" with Saint Mary International! His recent update reads: Michael is a physically active 8 year old boy, who likes to play outside. He lives in a foster family. Michael finds his way in the familiar environment of the home, the kindergarten, and the support center. He moves independently, goes up and down stairs. Michael eats by himself with a spoon, drinks from a cup. He throws and catches a ball. Michael sorts 3 cubes by size. He takes off shoes, can put on slippers and shoes with patches. Michael needs prompting and assistance with toileting, washing, and dressing. He expresses joy with gestures. Michael waves "hello" and "bye" but only when the foster mother reminds him. Although he has autism, Michael loves physical contact and is very obedient. He is an active child and according to the foster mother, he has made great progress in many ways especially that he is much calmer than before. Michael eats and sleeps well. He quickly relaxes and gets close to a new person if he likes them from the first moment of meeting, otherwise, he will avoid or ignore them. 

Michael is now listed as "Gabriel" with Alliance for Children! From Rainbowkids: Michael is a physically active 8-year-old boy who likes to play outside! He lives in a foster family in Eastern Europe. Michael finds his way in the familiar environment of the home, the kindergarten and the support center. He moves independently, goes up and down stairs and eats by himself with a spoon, drinks from a cup. Michael throws and catches a ball. He sorts 3 cubes by size. He takes off shoes, can put on slippers and shoes with patches. He needs prompting and assistance with toileting, washing and dressing. Michael expresses joy with gestures. He waves "Hello" and "Bye" but only when his foster mother reminds him. Although Michael is a child with autistic behavior, he loves physical contact and is very obedient. He is an active child and according to his foster mother. He has made great progress in many ways especially that he is much calmer than before. He eats and sleeps well. Michael quickly relaxes and gets close to a new person if he likes them from the first moment. Otherwise, he avoids or ignores them. Michael needs systematic care from a psychologist, speech therapist and resource teacher, as well as the support of a foster parent to improve cognitive, social, emotional and communicative development. He would love to find a family that will help him thrive!


Michael is listed as "Gianni" with Wasatch Adoptions! His most recent update reads: Michael has normal gross motor skill development for his age. He likes to play with toys that he can spin or sway. When he gets a toy he opens it up to take out the parts that he can spin or swing. In general, there is no activity that can hold his attention for long time – usually the attention is held for a maximum 5 minutes. Michael doesn’t like loud music or noise. He does not show aggression towards other children or auto-aggression. He does not always respond when called by name. Michael loves individual attention and is a positive and smiling child. He fulfills simple orders – like give me this, go there, hold, catch.  He is talkative, smiling and looks for contact with adults and the children in the Family-type accommodation center. Michael cannot dress and undress himself and cannot button or unbutton. He eats alone and drinks alone.  Michael loves salty food. He is in first grade at a school for children with special needs and works with a resource teacher who will visit the center and will work with a class of 4 to 6 students. Michael falls asleep later, but his sleep is peaceful. He uses a diaper at night. Michael does not like to swing on a swing, but rather wants to push the swing. He is diagnosed with Autism and has stereotype movements, including stimming by watching things swing back and forth. When he experiences a positive emotion, he usually makes stereotypical movements with his hands. He does not speak but only makes sounds.  Michael does understand and carries out simple commands from adults. He loves to cuddle and be cared for. Michael hits himself. The opinion of the staff is that if Michael is worked with individually and constantly, he will make progress in his development. The center does not have the resource for individual work with him and for specialized work with children with Autism. The employees of the center are very nice and take the best possible care for Michael! Even with that, I really hope that this sweet, nice, calm boy will find his forever family soon. He indeed is very positive.  Michael is used to being around adults and children and gets along with them. He does not make problems and does not have tantrums.  Michael is calm and follows the regime in the Center. In order to progress and advance though, he needs to be with a family who will love and support him. We believe he will thrive from the individual attention and love that only a family can give.

Michael is listed as "Colson" with Hopscotch Adoptions! From Rainbowkids: Michael continues to be in good health with delayed development. He is nonverbal and described as a calm and smiling child with a short attention span and limited ability to memorize and retain information. He can carry out simple instructions but requires assistance with most self-care tasks. He seeks contact with adults and children and is a cuddly boy who is able to form attachments. He enjoys getting involved in games and likes watching TV. Michael currently attends Kindergarten and will be instructed by a special education teacher in a small group setting at the residential facility when he enters first grade. The professionals caring for him recognize that they do not have the resources to provide him with the intensive one on one work and specialized interventions that he would need to thrive. Michael was born with congenital syphilis to a mother with cognitive disabilities. While physically healthy, Colson has a diagnosis of mild cognitive disabilities and autistic behaviors, including hand flapping and hand biting and rocking his head and body as well as a strong monotropic interest in objects that he can spin or swing. He was raised by his family of origin until May 2019 and then lived in a foster home until August 2022. Michael now resides in a residential facility.


Michael is still waiting for a mama.... Please let 2024 be the year he finds his family. He's been listed for 4 long years now, and it hurts to watch him grow up through photos. He is so worthy of a family that will give him unconditional love! He is now listed as "Graham" with Children's House International where his update reads - Michael is positive. There is no aggression towards peers. He has anxiety in an unfamiliar atmosphere. Michael enjoys playing football (soccer), listening to music, and lining up toys. He is introverted and melancholic. Michael communicates nonverbally with facial expressions, gestures, and sounds. 
