CHIARI Malformation Awareness Month: Graden - family found!


Listed January 2021



Sharing sweet “Graden” today for asthma awareness day! Graden is 6 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with asthma, CHIARI Malformation, microcephaly, a visual impairment, and cerebral palsy. Graden was also born premature. In his case, as a young boy, Graden had a lot of respiratory infections and used an inhaler, but as he’s gotten older, he no longer needs his inhaler.

Asthma is a condition in which the airways narrow and become inflamed. This can make breathing difficult, and often comes with wheezing and coughing. It can be caused by many factors, including allergies or smoke. Many children have asthma, but it will become milder as they age.

Graden has $272 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption!

Please consider adopting a child with asthma. It’s very manageable and not usually life threatening. SEE Graden and all his potential! Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards Graden's adoption!

*Graden is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*

Password: Adoptmaa


Graden now has two diagnoses added: cerebral palsy, and microcephaly.

Graden demonstrates interest in things around him. He is emotional and sociable. He loves toys that make music and sounds!

Graden can now walk independently! He is able to walk short distances, and uses a walker as needed. He understands verbal instructions, and his vocabulary is improving. He demonstrates interest in events around him, and plays with toys. He is usually calm and happy, and gets along well with peers. He is still in diapers, but working on potty training. Graden can eat and drink independently, but needs his food cut into small pieces. Graden can not yet speak, but babbles. He uses social gestures, such as blowing kisses and waving goodbye, and can carry to 2 to 3 step instructions.

He no longer needs an inhaler or corticosteroids for his asthma!

Graden has waited far too long. Could this beautiful boy be your son? Scroll above to find his link and make an inquiry!

Updated photo July 2022

Updated photo July 2022

Updated photo July 2022

Updated photo July 2022

Updated photo August 2022


Graden is working on using scissors and pencils, and can cut in a straight line! He loves to be around other kids and shows interest in what is happening around him. He understands what is going on around him, and though he has trouble pronouncing words, his vocabulary increases every week! Graden can pronounce random sound combinations and syllables. He tries to say "grandma","mom", and "come". His favorite toys are those that make noise and music. He can stand on his own, and walk independently though he is unsteady. Graden is doing really well and is SO loved by his caregivers in his group home, but what he really needs is a family. Please, scroll above and make an inquiry or donation to Graden's personal grant. You won't regret it!

October 2022


Graden is listed as "Grayson" with Madison Adoptions! His most recent update reads:  Sweet Graden keeps making wonderful progress in his skills and abilities. In the absolutely recent photos and videos a member of our team took of him last week one can see his heart-melting smile and hear his sweet voice. One can also see him walking, going up and down the stairs, following adults' commands, answering questions, playing, having fun and feeding himself. Graden is doing great and his biggest need at present is the need of being placed in a loving and caring family environment. I can't believe that this precious little boy is still waiting. Please take a chance on this amazing kid. Graden is so much more than his diagnosis, and if he's making progress in an orphanage setting, just imagine what he could do in a FAMILY! Don't let "Graden" be overlooked any longer! Scroll above and click the link to inquire or donate towards his adoption!

Graden is listed as "Grayson" with CCAI! His bio reads: Sweet Graden keeps making wonderful progress in his skills and abilities! In his videos one can see his heart-melting smile and hear his sweet voice. One can also see him walking, going up and down the stairs, following adults' commands, answering questions, playing, having fun and feeding himself. Graden is doing great and his biggest need at present is the need of being placed in a loving and caring family environment! Graden demonstrates interest in the events happening around him. He understands verbal instructions. His vocabulary improves with each week – he understands most of what is said to him, but has difficulties pronouncing words. He is able to follow simple, 2-3 step instructions. Graden is emotional and sociable. He likes when a familiar adult speaks to him and independently seeks interactions with adults and children. He demonstrates interest in musical toys and toys that make sounds. Most of the time he is calm and happy. He seeks contacts with other children from the group. He reacts emotionally when told “no”. He is interested in different activities. The child answers when called by his name and recognizes his reflection in a mirror. Although he still wears diapers, Graden is currently being potty trained with some success. Graden can drink from a cup and is eating independently. His sleep is calm.

Graden is listed as "Grayson" with Lifeline! His bio reads: Graden is a joyful, radiant, and active little boy. He loves listening to music, being outdoors, and playing games! Graden has made much progress in his overall development. He is able to walk, go up and down stairs, follow instructions given to him by adults, and answer questions. He is described as being incredibly social with both children and adults, and he loves one-on-one time with adults who will give him attention. Graden is able to feed himself and drink from a cup on his own. He is in the process of being potty-trained, with slow but sure success.


Graden is listed as "Huxley" with Hopscotch Adoptions! His most recent update reads: A calm child who actively explores his environment, Graden's walking has become more stable and he can cover longer distances although from time to time he falls. Graden understands most of what is said to him and carries out 2-3 step instructions. Despite efforts to imitate and use verbal communication, Graden most successfully communicates via gestures. He is a sociable child who seeks contact with adults and peers. He follows well the daily schedule at the orphanage, participates in joint activities, and copes with changes appropriately. Graden enjoys musical toys and drawing. 


Graden is now listed as "Grayson" with Saint Mary International! His most recent update reads: Graden stands up on his own, even without support. He walks on his own for short distances but he is unsteady. Graden picks up toys of different sizes and shapes and transfers them from one hand to the other or hands them to a person nearby. He recognizes different types of toys and uses them as intended. Graden is trying to manipulate with scissors and a pencil, recently he has been successful, and is able to cut along a line. He tries to draw and manages to keep his attention on this activity for a long time. He likes to have other children around him. Graden shows interest in what is going on around him. He understands simple instructions requiring 2-3 steps given to him. His vocabulary is increasing with every passing week, and he understands most of what is asked of him, but has difficulty pronouncing the words. Graden's speech development is at the level of pronouncing random sound combinations and syllables. He tries to say the words "grandma", "mom", and "come". Graden is emotional and sociable. He recognizes familiar voices, and seeks contact with people around him. Graden shows interest in musical toys and toys that make different sounds. He is calm and smiley most of the time. Graden likes to imitate the actions of older children. He needs a loving family to love him, to take care of him, and to make his life much better than it is in the group home. Please see this handsome boy as your son! I can't believe he's still waiting after all this time. 


Graden is now listed as "Grayson" with Children's House International! I can't believe this precious little boy is STILL waiting. Please scroll up and inquire or donate towards his adoption. He is so deserving of a family and has waited his entire life, yet he continues to go overlooked. Graden is an amazing boy who does not let his special needs stop him! He has been making really wonderful progress over the last year. Graden interacts with people around him. He has only mastered basic habits and skills. Graden plays independently with certain objects for long periods of time. He can stand with support, and independently sit and walk.


  1. Is Graden no longer matched?

    1. I don't believe so. I saw he was recently posted with a new agency so I'm assuming not.


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