Zeek - updated mar 2024 - family found!

Listed September 2021



Meet handsome Mr. Zeek! Zeek is 5 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to kidney issues, Zeek is also diagnosed with spina bifida, hydrocephalus, and neurogenic bladder.

Zeek is a precious little boy! He loves to play peek a boo, and interacting with his caregivers. Zeek loves attention, and listening to music! Though he is minimally verbal, he does enjoy activities relating to speech.

As of 2021, Zeek was being taught to use a wheelchair. He can turn in his chair, but has not yet mastered going forwards and backwards. Zeek is learning to pull up and move around while in bed or on the floor. He can follow simple instructions. This is my personal favorite skill of his, Zeek will reach his hands up when caregivers ask him how big he will be when he's all grown up! As of 2021, Zeek would speak in simple one word phrases, and syllables and sounds. As of 2022, Zeek is living in a small residential facility where he is able to receive more attention than he did at his last orphanage. Zeek is dependent on his caregivers for many of his daily activities like hygiene and eating. He can sit with support. Zeek attempts to imitate others what he sees and hears. As of 2022, Zeek was not receiving any therapies or attending school.

Zeek has had shunt surgery for his hydrocephalus.

No specific information is provided about Zeek's kidney issues, but this is very common in children with Spina Bifida. An agency can give more info about Zeek's kidney issues and how it affects him.

Zeek is diagnosed as having a neurogenic bladder, a condition in which the bladder doesn't empty properly due to a neurological condition or spinal cord injury. This is a lack of bladder control, and in the most serious of cases involves surgery. Almost every child with Spina Bifida (like Zeek) have a neurogenic bladder. 

Zeek has $1,067 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption! He also has a $2,000 grant with Hand in Hand.

Sweet "Zeek" is still so young, and needs a family that will love him and provide for all of his needs. This little boy slowly but surely stole my heart, and he's waited long enough already. Please don't let little Zeek spend another year alone in a residential facility. Click the link to inquire or donate towards his adoption!



Zeek is now listed as "Zane" with Children's House International! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Zeek is happy when being praised with “Bravo” and he reacts with dissatisfaction when something is being refused to him. His emotional tone is positive. Zeek does not feel scared in a new environment, and he does not demonstrate aggression or auto-aggression. When he is being proposed with verbal contact and when he receives attention by a new person, he laughs. Zeek manages to pronounce words while imitating the adult.  He is very positive in his contact with the adults, and he often initiates those.

Zeek is now listed as "Zane" with Hand in Hand! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Zeek is currently living in a residential facility for children with disabilities. He can put himself into a sitting position while holding to a stable support. Zeek quickly tires and he puts his body forward. When placed in a specialized wheelchair, he tries to move it with his hands. Zeek grabs toys, and he moves them from one hand to the other. When he is being spoken to and when he receives attention by a new person, he laughs. He is happy when being praised with “Bravo” and he reacts with dissatisfaction when something is being refused to him. Zeek's emotional tone is positive. He started forming active vocabulary and Zeek uses meaningful words such as “am-am”, “dai” (give me), “stiga” (enough), baba (grandma). He manages to pronounce words while imitating the adult. Zeek is very positive in his contact with adults, and he often initiates those.  In the presence of a new person, he remains calm. He demonstrates interest in musical and verbal activities. Zeek cannot feed himself. He eats pureed food. Zeek depends on the cares of the adults around him. He needs to be supported when managing his everyday life activities and when going out - Zeek is not able to evaluate adequately the situation and to take care of himself. He will benefit from a stimulating environment where he is encouraged to develop to his full potential.


Zeek is now listed as "Oliver" with Alliance for Children! His update with Rainbowkids reads: Zeek is an adorable 4-year-old boy living in an orphanage in Eastern Europe. Due to the inability of his biological mother to provide the necessary living conditions for him and satisfy his health needs, he was placed in a residential facility. His biological mother has not visited him in the orphanage. Zeek has hypotrophic thigh muscles and lack of movement in his hip and knee joints. When placed in a wheelchair, he tries to move it with his hands. When some known adult starts to talk to him, he laughs loudly! He rejoices at praise "well done" and reacts with displeasure when something is denied him. His emotional tonus is positive. An unfamiliar environment is not threatening him. There are no manifestations of aggression or self aggression for this child. The formation of an active vocabulary has begun, with Zeek using several meaningful words such as "am-am," "give," "enough," "grandma." He can pronounce words imitating an adult. He points and knows the parts of his body and recognizes his image in a mirror. Zeek is very positive in interactions with other children and adults and often initiates them himself. He laughs out loud at attention. In the presence of an  unknown person, he remains calm. He shows interest in music and speech activities. Zeek does not feed himself yet. He eats mashed, pureed food. He has not developed the skills to control his physiological needs and therefore uses diapers. In his daily life, he is completely dependent on the care of the adult. Zeek falls asleep easily and his sleep is restful. He is calm when changing clothes and bathing. Zeek would love to have a warm and loving family to takes care of him and make him smile! Sweet Zeek has waited for a family for so long now. Please don't let him spend yet another holiday season all alone. Praying this amazing kid goes home soon!


Zeek is now listed as "Zion" with Children's House International! His most recent update reads: Zeek is very positive in contact with children and adults and often initiates them himself. He laughs out loud at attention. In the presence of a stranger, Zeek remains calm. When offered verbal contact and attention from an adult known to him, he laughs loudly. Zeek rejoices at praise "Well done" and reacts with displeasure when something is denied to him. He is positive. Zeek is not afraid of unfamiliar environments. He needs the constant presence of an adult to ensure his safety.

Zeek is now listed as "Zlaty" with Wasatch! His most recent update with Rainbowkids reads: This beautiful eyed fellow is Zeek.  He was born in 2018 and is diagnosed with Spina Bifida.  He has hydrocephalus but has an implanted ventricle-peritoneal shunt. Unfortunately, the Spina Bifida has left him without the use of his lower legs. Our Eastern Europen staff who met Zeek said “ he is a very sweet boy who is making progress in his development. He is doing very well emotionally and has no deficits. He is saying more and more words.”  We will be receiving new info, photos and video soon so please check back often. Information from April of 2023 says Zeek can turn his head in the direction of sound.  He picks up toys near him and transfers the toy from one hand to the other.. He looks for the toy when he drops it. He can knock two cubes together. When offered verbal contact and attention from an adult known to him, he laughs loudly. He is learning some words such as "am-am", "give", "enough", "grandma".etc.  He points to parts of his body and recognizes his image in a mirror. He has very positive contacts with children and adults and often initiates them.


Zeek is now listed as "Zeke" with Carolina Adoption Services! His most recent update with Rainbowkids reads: Zeek is a joyful 5 year old boy with a loud and infectious laugh. He loves to play and spend time with other children and adults. He uses a special wheel chair to move around and is currently learning how to use it independently. He has started imitating speech spoken to him and can communicate in short words and phrases. Zeek has several special needs, including: Spina bifida, internal hydrocephalus, VPA, and Hydronephrosis. Despite this, Zeek is extremely resilient and is making huge strides in his development. Zeek would thrive in a loving and supportive forever family. 


Zeek is now listed as "Zachary" with Children's House International! His most recent update with Rainbowkids reads: Meet Zeek, a brave and joyful soul who marked his advent into the world in 2018. His story is one of resilience, narrated through his beautiful eyes that reflect an unquenchable spirit. Although he was born with medical challenges, including spina bifida and hydrocephalus, Zeek's unwavering resilience shines through every aspect of his daily life. Early in his young life, Zeek underwent corrective surgical procedures to address his spinal condition. Despite these adversities, Zeek's infectious smile and laughter fill the room, a testament to his enchanting personality and determination. Developmentally, Zeek is engaged and visibly progressing each day. He is discovering the joys of movement with the help of a special stroller and exhibits initial attempts to sit up independently. His curiosity is evident as he plays with toys, mastering the art of transferring objects from hand to hand and exploring sounds by knocking cubes together. Communication is a world Zeek is eager to explore. With a budding vocabulary, he radiates joy when he uses words such as "am-am" for eating and "grandma," filling his space with hopeful attempts at mimicking adult speech. Zeek's enthusiasm and eagerness for interaction shine brightest in the company of others, initiating exchanges with both children and adults. His emotional landscape is a canvas painted with positivity, unwavering happiness, and a conspicuous absence of frustration or aggression. Though Zeek’s care is aided by an adult, ensuring he receives nutritional pureed meals and attention to his personal needs, his independence is budding. With every "well done" and beam of verbal acknowledgment, he revels in accomplishment. Zeek is a beacon of light and potential, ready to be nurtured by the love and care of an adoptive family. His existence is a daily inspiration, an embodiment of the preciousness and endless possibilities that life presents. Zeek eagerly awaits the next chapter, where every challenge becomes a triumph, and every day is another opportunity to showcase his love and capability. 

Zeek was born in 2018 and has been diagnosed with spina bifida, hydrocephalus (shunt placed), atopic dermatitis, hydronephrosis, and neurogenic bladder with frequent UTIs. His development is delayed. At this time, Zeek is unable to walk, but sits with support/can pull up to sit independently and tries to move using his arms. Zeek is a good eater and takes pureed foods from a spoon with an adult’s help. He likes to drink water from a plastic bottle which he can hold by himself. Zeek enjoys playing with toy cars, watching TV, spending time outdoors, listening to music, and riding in cars. He is fearful of new toys/objects and of loud noises. Zeek insistently seeks direct interactions with adults as well as children and responds well to praise. He speaks meaningfully in an increasing number of single words and uses many social gestures, such as waving goodbye and high fiving. He attempts to imitate what he sees and hears. Zeek can point to body parts and recognizes himself in the mirror. This very positive boy is enrolled in preschool classes but does not have adequate or consistent access to the interventions that would help his development progress. Our in-country representative visited Zeek and describes him as an extremely charming, sunny, and bright child who laughs heartily and who revels in positive interactions. He is expected to adapt quickly in a family environment and would thrive with the love and support of parents, teachers, and therapists.
