
Listed May 2022


Introducing "Ashton"! Ashton is 6 years old, and living in South America. He is diagnosed with hydrocephalus.

Ashton is a social boy who loves to be around others. He enjoys listening to music, painting, and watching TV. 

He is a pleasant boy, who is good at sharing. There is no information in his bio regarding treatment for his hydrocephalus, but the agency could give you more info. 

Ashton is also diagnosed with a developmental delay, or disability. This is a very broad term that can include delays in the areas of speech, motor, or learning. Some delays have an explainable cause while others may not. Children who have experienced trauma, abuse, and neglect are more likely to have developmental disabilities. Treatment can include various therapies such as speech, occupational, and physical therapies, and these delay gaps may close over the years as a child ages. Many people with developmental disabilities go on to lead full and fairly normal lives. Early intervention is crucial for children with developmental disabilities. 

In Ashton's case, he most notably has delays in the areas of speech and motor. This could be a result of his hydrocephalus. Ashton is not yet walking as of October 2022, and was only speaking in short phrases and sentences. He was receiving both speech and physical therapies at the time. Contact an agency to learn more about Ashton's developmental disabilities and how they impact him!

Could this handsome guy be your forever son? Click the link to make an inquiry!


password: Adoptmaa


"Ashton" has now been listed as "Auggie" with Childrens House International, and a diagnosis of scoliosis has been added. Ashton is not enrolled in school because of his diagnosis. He loves affection from caregivers, and communicates mostly by using gestures and sounds. Ashton cries when he is uncomfortable, or if someone takes a toy from him (understandably!). He is full dependent on his caregivers. Ashton uses his thumb and index fingers to hold objects,. Ashton is afraid of dogs and stuffed animals. He loves to eat tangerines, sweet bread, and apples. but dislikes lettuce, toast, and corn bread. Ashton loves to listen to music. He is currently receiving occupation, physical, and speech therapies and has made lots of progress! "Ashton" is getting bigger and older, and needs a family to help him continue to learn and grow. Could you be Ashton's family? Scroll above and click the link to make an inquiry! Don't forget about Ashton!


Ashton now has a profile with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to make an inquiry or donation towards his adoption! He currently has $148.50 in his personal grant.


Ashton is an adorable little boy who is described as a social child who loves to be around others who gives him affection. He shares with the people around him. He loves to hear music and pleasant sounds. He likes painting and watching animated shows. 
