Paulie - family found!


Listed April 2023



Meet beautiful miss "Paulie"! Paulie is 2 years old and living in Eastern Europe. This sweet girl has a long list of diagnoses, including holoprosencephaly, epilepsy, agenesis of corpus callosum, multicystic encephalopathy, and cerebral palsy. Paulie is also blind, and has a feeding tube. 

Precious Paulie is a sweet and gentle little girl. She is usually calm, and enjoys cuddles and attention from her caregivers. Paulie smiles when she hears singing, or when she is spoken to sweetly. 

Paulie is fully dependent on her caregivers. She is often placed in a specialized vertical chair, and she can hold a toy for a period of time. Paulie startles with loud noises, can turn her head in the direction of sounds, and communicates her needs by crying. Paulie attempts to turn from her back to her stomach while on a firm base. She can move left and right, and lay in different positions. Paulie can also hold her head up for a short time. 

Paulie has a $2,500 grant with Wasatch!

This sweet, tiny, and tender girl would benefit so much from early intervention services. Those eyelashes are so beautiful, how can you say no to this pretty girl!? I pray that "Paulie" doesn't have to wait much longer. Her needs seem intimidating, but the right family is out there waiting to scoop her up and love her forever. Are you that family?

