
Listed June 2022

"Vernon" aka "Austin"

Meet adorable "Vernon" aka "Austin"! Vernon is 4 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to hydrocephalus, Vernon is also diagnosed with moderate asphyxia and spina bifida.

Vernon is described as a loving, kind, and gentle boy. He loves getting attention from his caregivers, and will smile and laugh when they interact with him. 

Vernon had surgery to place a shunt for his hydrocephalus as an infant. The agency can give more info.

Vernon can roll independently. He has good head control, and can reach for toys. Vernon reacts when his name is called, and is beginning to produce syllables and other sound combinations. 

At one month old, Vernon received a spinal defect surgery. He is currently receiving physical therapy and working on sitting independently. 

Vernon has a $2,500 grant with Wasatch! He also has $18 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

"Vernon" is still tiny, and now is the perfect time to scoop him up and make him your son! Could Vernon be the missing piece of your family? Click the link to make an inquiry!



Vernon is now listed as "Tino" with CCAI! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Vernon is undergoing daily rehabilitation to improve his motor skills and abilities. He can turn over from his stomach to his back and vice versa, and he can speak sounds and syllables. 


Vernon is now listed as "Karuk" with Hopscotch! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: After a month-long hospital stay as a newborn, Vernon has resided in three different care facilities in his short life. Vernon is not able to stand or walk at this time and still requires support to sit.  His upper body muscle tone is weak, but he reaches for and holds toys.  He needs assistance with all tasks of daily living. Vernon responds to his name, makes eye contact and has formed attachments with certain caretakers.  He loves attention from adults and is displeased when left unattended.  Vernon is comfortable in the presence of other children.  He is a generally calm boy who responds with laughter when playfully engaged.  Vernon speaks a few single words. Vernon waits for a family who can provide the medical and therapeutic care he requires and love him unconditionally. I don't see how such a cute and loving little boy is still waiting for a family of his own! Please don't let Vernon continue to grow without knowing the love of a family.


Vernon is now listed as "Vasto" with Children's House International! His most recent update reads: Vernon shows all the signs of developing an emotional attachment significant to his adults. He turns when called by name. Vernon laughs out loud. He still does not recognize the different emotions and emotional states - his own and those of others, but affective reactions are formed adequately. Vernon calmly accepts the presence of other children around him. He does not have a tendency to show aggression or auto-aggression. Vernon shows no signs of anxiety. He speaks syllables and long sound combinations. 


Vernon is now listed as "Vaughn" with Wasatch Adoptions! His update on Rainbowkids reads: Vernon undergoes daily rehabilitation. His condition is monitored by a pediatric neurologist, neurosurgeon, and a pediatrician.  Vernon can turn independently from his back to his stomach and vice versa. He has good head control. Vernon purposefully grabs a toy and holds it.  He does not however manipulate objects according to their functional purpose. Vernon demonstrates adequate responses. He enjoys personal attention from an adult.  Vernon laughs loudly when being teased.  He reacts with displeasure when he is left unattended. Vernon is mostly a calm child. No aggressive behavior was recorded. He can turn his head to the sound of his name being called.  Vernon speaks syllables and long sound combinations. Vernon is served food by an adult and wears a diaper. 

Vernon was born in 2020 and after a month-long hospital stay as a newborn, Vernon has resided in three different care facilities in his short life. Vernon has been diagnosed with spina bifida (surgically addressed) and hydrocephalus (shunt placed and revised). He has an inguinal hernia and hydrocele which will be corrected via surgery in the future. Vernon has frequent urinary tract infections and strabismus for which he was recently prescribed glasses. His development is globally delayed. Vernon is an overall calm boy who is usually in a good mood unless hungry or tired. He observes his environment with interest and will show a variety of emotional responses to happenings. He is engaged and enthusiastic during one-on-one interactions with adults, particularly his team of therapists, but does not prefer to be in larger groups. Vernon shares a room with another child and spends much of his time in his crib, watching TV or listening to music. With much determination and effort, Vernon is able to army-crawl on the floor, mostly using the strength of his right arm, the hand of which is clenched into a fist a lot of the time. He reaches for and manipulates toys with primarily his left hand, however. He is working very hard to prop himself up on his elbows into a semi-sitting position. Vernon seems to enjoy noisy toys that make quirky sounds. Vernon responds to his name, makes eye contact, and has formed attachments with certain caretakers. He speaks a few single words and responds with laughter when playfully engaged. He waits for a family who will love him unconditionally and provide for his evolving support needs. I can't handle the cuteness of this precious little guy. Please don't keep Vernon waiting any longer!!! Mama where are you?


Vernon is now listed with Global Adoptions! His update reads: Vernon crawls using his upper body. He plays with toys and interacts with familiar adults. He responds to his name by turning toward the person calling him. 


"Vernon" was recently met by a traveling family! They saw him briefly, but had nothing but good things to say about him. I pray that he finds his family ASAP. He's been waiting for far too long! From the family that met him: "Vernon is so perfect! He sits and watches and just soaks up his surroundings. He loves when someone comes over to him. I crouched down next to him and he got a bit bashful but kept peeking out. He was tiny but well cared for. They even have a special spina bifida seat for him to use. Vernon is definetly interactive and I did not see any institutional behaviors in him (I wasn't with him as much as I was with my daughter obviously but I saw him in action many times). It is a really great place considering what it could be. He was able to turn and till a bit on the floor mats that I saw and he held onto toys. I'd say he was delayed a bit but interactive (not in his own world). Def reached out to the caregivers and wanted to form attachments it seemed. A little cutie! Vernon seemed to respond to the nannie's. They spoke in his native language, but he seemed to respond appropriately. He makes noises and maybe even words. He did seem to follow directions and was told to "shh be quiet" when we had our Halloween party when the music started and he seemed to listen. He did act like a toddler though, not an infant".

Vernon is now listed with Reece's Rainbow! His update reads: 
Vernon crawls using his upper body. He plays with toys and interacts with familiar adults. He responds to his name by turning toward the person calling him.
