
Listed May 2022


Meet adorable "Dean"! Dean is 5 years old, and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with epilepsy, hydrocephalus, cytomegalovirus, and cerebral palsy. Dean is also blind, and uses a feeding tube.

Dean may have a long list of diagnoses, but this joyful boy is a treasure to any family! See him as a CHILD before you see his deficits! He is in one of the largest and worst orphanages in his country, and needs out desperately. 

Dean loves physical affection. He loves to get attention from his caregivers. He will smile and laugh when being snuggled or when his back is rubbed. 

Dean is said to function at the level of a newborn. He is nonverbal and cannot walk. He sleeps most of the time. Dean can be uncomfortable in unfamiliar settings. He has poor head control, and makes uncoordinated movements. Dean will react to loud noises. 

Dean has no swallow reflex and therefore is fed through NG tube. His seizures have reduced over the last several months, and are controlled with medication. Dean had a shunt surgery for his hydrocephalus at 2 months old. The shunt was replaced when he was 9 months old.

No information is provided about Dean's diagnosis of CMV but an agency can give more info. It has likely contributed to his developmental and motor delays. 

Dean has a $2,500 grant with Wasatch Adoptions, and $3,151.50 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow! He also has a $5,000 grant with Here I Am Orphan Ministries!

Dean may be young, but he has already experienced so much in his short life, things no child should have to face without a family. He will need lifelong medical care and services, but would make for an amazing son.

I can't wait to see this sweet boy in a family, getting all the love, attention, and medical care he deserves! I pray that it's soon. Could "Dean" be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry or donate toward his adoption!



Dean is now listed as "Denzel" with Children's House International! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Dean does not fix his eyes upon adults bending over him, but he smiles widely or laughs loudly at sensory stimulation and gentle talking. He does not interact with children; Dean enjoys it when people talk gently to him, when they caress his head and hands, and when he is being cuddled. Dean sleeps most of the time. He is fed via a tube. Dean is calm when bathed and dressed. This precious little boy has been waiting so long for a family of his own. He is a large orphanage notorious for neglect, and desperately needs out and access to quality medical care and therapies. Don't let Dean spend another year in a crib all alone. See him for the handsome little boy that he is!


Dean is now listed as "Dereck" with Children's House International! His most recent update says: Due to Dean's visual impairment, he is unable to fixate his glance on an adult who is standing above him. He laughs out loud at the pleasant actions by an adult and flattering speech. Dean has some spasticity, particularly in his upper limbs. Sometimes he briefly turns his head to a certain point in the direction of an adult's voice. He has started to hold a toy handed to him briefly. How is this perfect little boy still waiting for a family?! "Dean" has a contagious smile, and desperately needs access to quality medical care and services. Could this snuggly little boy be your son?
