
Listed November 2022


Introducing beautiful miss "Sakena". Sakena is 7 years old and living in South America. She is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Sakena also has a trach and uses a feeding tube.

Sakena is described as "an adaptable little girl". She enjoys affection and attention from her caregivers, being held and cuddled, and when people sing to her. 

Sakena does not get jealous of other children who receive attention. She is fully dependent on her caregivers. Sakena goes to bed around 10pm, and occasionally will wake up crying, but is easily soothed back to sleep. 

Sweet "Sakena" desperately needs a family and out of an orphanage. She is a beautiful little girl with some intimidating needs, but she is just that, a little girl, needing a mama. I pray that sweet Sakena doesn't have to wait much longer. Could she be your daughter?

