Hennes - updated sep 2023 - family found!

Listed June 2022


Meet adorable "Hennes"! Hennes is 6 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to Arnold Chiari Malformation, Hennes is also diagnosed with spina bifida, clubfoot, and a developmental delay.

Hennes is the CUTEST little guy! I fell in love with his smile at first sight! He is described as a social and happy child. Hennes loves to talk and make conversation. He likes all kinds of toys, including balls, blocks, cars, and puzzles. His favorite food are apples, and his favorite drink is orange juice! 

It is unclear exactly how Hennes' Arnold Chiari Malformation affects him, but he is developmentally delayed in all areas. This could also be a result of his spina bifida.

Hennes is able to ask and answer questions and make general conversation. When he has difficulty with a task, he'll say "it doesn't work" to get help from caregivers. Hennes gets around by crawling and using his upper body strength. He can also walk using a walker. Hennes can draw with a pencil and chalk. He eats independently and is not a picky eater. He can pull up and stand with support. His caregivers say that he rarely cries. If he is upset, you will notice it on his face, but he is in a good mood most of the time! He is very smart, sweet, and easy to talk to! He understands everything that is said to him.

Hennes is currently receiving physical therapy and speech therapy in his group home. Hennes has had surgery for his spina bifida and clubfoot. He does not take any medications.

Hennes has a $2,000 grant with Hand in Hand Adoptions, a $5,000 grant with a specific NGO, a $5,000 grant with Holt International, and $1,060.20 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow. He also has $0 in his personal grant with Nightlight Christian Adoptions. Hennes also has a $2,500 grant with Agape!

"Hennes" is a bright boy with so much love to give. I have no doubt that he could be an amazing son and reach his full potential if given the opportunity to. He will continue to learn and grow in an environment of love. Could "Hennes" be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards Hennes' adoption!

*Hennes is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*

Password: Adoptmaa


According to Children's House International: Hennes is most like every normal 4-year-old boy. He is a curious, talkative, social and very smiley and positive child. Hennes is a smiling child, he greets with gestures and verbally. He often tries to get the attention of an adult. Hennes shows a need for attention and is active in communication. He shows interest in constructors, cubes and carts, and manages to build a tower of cubes. Hennes enjoys singing children's songs, he observes the gestures shown while singing and tries to repeat them. He listens when reading short children's stories, points out pictures by pictures, and repeats words or names independently. Hennes has very good progress in regard to his motor skills.

From Hand in Hand: He has had surgery for spina bifida and club foot. Hennes is most like every normal 4-year-old boy. He is curious, talkative, sociable and a very smiley and positive child. The caregivers and the specialists who work with him said that he never cries. Even if he is upset, you can notice it on his face, but he is mostly in a good mood and ready to play. He likes to play with all kinds of toys, like balls, cubes, cars, puzzles etc. He has made very good progress in his motor skills. He can step on one of his legs, with the assistance of the physiotherapist and he is also able to move around using a walker. Hennes has very strong hands and this helps him a lot with the movement. He can move from one place to another, to get up, holding a support and he follows all the instructions that can be given to him. He can draw with pencil and with chalk. He eats independently and he is not a picky eater. He shared that he loves apples and orange juice. He works with a physiotherapist, with speech therapist and with a special teacher in the Group home where he is placed. He is not taking any kind of medicine. His speech is progressing a lot and his mental condition is very well – it’s easy to talk to him. He understands everything and he is very smart.

Hennes has waited far too long for his forever family, in fact, I am baffled as to why he still waits! Please, take a chance on this beautiful boy. Scroll above to make an inquiry or donate towards his adoption. I pray this is Hennes last holiday season as an orphan!


Hennes is now listed as "Hunter" with Lifeline Children's Services! His bio reads: Hennes is a radiant child who joyfully seeks out the attention of adults around him. He enjoys building towers with blocks and playing with cars. He also enjoys musical toys, particularly the drumsticks and xylophone, and he expresses great joy when being sung children’s songs—oftentimes trying his best to mimic the gestures in the song. Hennes loves fairy tale story books, especially ones with pictures with objects he can point to and name. He is fully dependent on his caregivers in regards to his physiological needs and therefore wears diapers. Despite this limitation, Hennes eats and drinks all on his own. Hennes is described as a sociable child who enjoys playing with his peers, though he tends to seek out the attention and praise of adults—something he responds to with laughter and smiles. I can't believe this precious boy is still waiting for his forever family. Hennes seems like an all around awesome kid, who is SO capable, smart, and loving! I am positive he'd continue to make so much progress in a family if only given the opportunity! Could this beautiful little boy be your son? Praying that 2023 is the year he finds his mama!

Hennes is now listed as "Benny" with Hopscotch Adoptions! From Rainbowkids: A generally radiant and sociable boy, Hennes responds to happenings in his environment and is eager for opportunities to learn. Although he cannot walk at this time, Hennes sits without support and crawls using three limbs to propel himself forward. He wears diapers and eats and drinks independently. Hennes initiates interactions with peers and adults and tries to hold conversations with a constantly increasing vocabulary. He makes good eye contact. Hennes has acquired preschool level skills such as identifying body parts and colors, introducing himself, holding a pencil and drawing a circle, building a tower from cubes, exchanging greetings, threading wooden elements, throwing and catching a ball, completing inset puzzles, and naming animals along with imitating their sounds. Hennes gladly participates in educational activities but can exhibit refusal, withdrawal, and lack of attention when he feels uncertain about a task or finds it too challenging. Changing the way in which a task is presented can often lead to success. Hennes wants to do well and enjoys encouragement and praise. Hennes likes playing with cars and musical toys, and shows stubbornness in defending himself when another child tries to take a toy from him. He also enjoys children’s songs and listening to fairytales. I don't see how this perfect little dude still waits?! Could he be your son?


Hennes is now listed as "Hunter" with Agape Adoptions! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Five year old Hennes is a radiant and social young boy living in an Eastern European country. This outgoing boy loves interacting with his caretakers and with other children. Often seeking out companionship and attention, Hennes enjoys being around people and playing games. Hennes is still developing his expressive speech, but he can verbalize his wants and needs and communicate with others. He has a strong desire and eagerness to learn new words and information. Hennes can point to different parts of his body and name most of them, and can also imitate the sounds of most of the animals he’s encountered. Hennes is constantly trying to learn new things and will sing songs while trying to learn new words and information. This cheerful boy is excited to learn about the world and engage with the people in it. He can’t walk yet, but he is quite active and crawls very well. He works with a physical therapist to develop his motor skills and walking ability.  

Hennes is now listed as "Hunter" with Madison Adoptions! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Hennes, born in 2017, is a radiant and social boy who independently initiates interaction with both children and adults. He maintains eye contact and follows the adults’ reactions. Hunter demonstrates a need for attention and exhibits activity during interaction. He shows an interest in constructors, cubes, and cars. He can build a tower from cubes. Longer focus of attention can be observed during activities Hennes finds interesting. He can thread and pierce wooden parts. A visible development in Hennes’s expressive speech has been observed. He has more words in his vocabulary and tries to hold conversations with adults and children. Hennes points to parts of his body and independently names most of them. He recognizes, names, and imitates the sounds that most domestic animals make while he repeats the rest. He also recognizes and names some of the fruits and vegetables. He is active while singing songs with gestures; he sometimes willingly participates in copying the gestures. Hennes demonstrates perception in the acquisition of new knowledge. In view of his special needs, he cannot control his physiological needs and wears diapers. Hennes eats independently with a spoon, and drinks liquids independently from a cup.  


Hennes is now listed as "Hunter" with Agape! His most recent update on Rainbowkids reads: This outgoing boy loves interacting with his caretakers and with other children. Often seeking out companionship and attention, Hennes enjoys being around people and playing games. Hennes is still developing his expressive speech, but he can verbalize his wants and needs and communicate with others. He has a strong desire and eagerness to learn new words and information. Hennes can point to different parts of his body and name most of them, and can also imitate the sounds of most of the animals he’s encountered. Hennes is constantly trying to learn new things and will sing songs while trying to learn new words and information. This cheerful boy is excited to learn about the world and engage with the people in it. He can’t walk yet, but he is quite active and crawls very well. He works with a physical therapist to develop his motor skills and walking ability. Please don't let this sweet, smart, and handsome little guy wait yet another year. Run and make him your son!
