Sage - updated apr 2024 - family found!

Listed May 2022


"Sage" aka "Emilio"

Meet "Sage" aka "Emilio"! Sage is 6 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He has a long list of diagnoses, including epilepsy, cerebral palsy, a vision impairment, and brain cysts. Sage was born premature, and also uses a feeding tube.

Sage lived with his birth family until he was a year old, and since then he has been in two different orphanages. This sweet boy is so young and has already had a rough start at life, and needs a family to give him all the snuggles and love he deserves!

Cognitively, Sage functions about at the level of an infant. He has limited mobility, and does not react to environmental stimuli. When upset, he easily calms down after being held by caregivers. He is totally dependent on his caregivers to meet his needs.

Sage is listed as "Saber" with Reece's Rainbow, and has $1,093.50 in his personal grant towards his adoption! He also has a $5,000 grant with Here I Am Orphan Ministries! He also has a $2,000 grant with Isaac's Buddies!

"Sage" will spend his life in a lonely crib if he's not adopted. Sweet boy is still young, there is still plenty of time to save him from life as an orphan. Could Sage be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry. 



Sage is now listed with CCAI! This tiny five year old is still waiting for a family of his own. I pray that family sees him soon! Sweet Sage truly deserves a wonderful family! He expresses emotional conditions through mimics. Sage understands when an adult is in the room and he looks for him with his gaze. He smiles when someone speaks to him or when he is jested. Sage does not interact with other children, but individual attention by an adult brings him pleasure which he expresses through smiling.


Sage is now listed as "Koban" with Hopscotch! His update with Rainbowkids reads: Sage’s motor skills are very limited, and he does not yet sit or roll unassisted. He requires assistance with all tasks of daily living, including being fed via NG-tube. Sage is nonverbal and does not carry out instructions. He does not interact with peers and does not play with toys. Sage is described as a passive child who nonetheless responds favorably to the presence of and to loving contact with adults. He smiles and laughs when someone gives him positive one on one attention. A family interested in adopting this sweet boy must be prepared to meet his continued high support needs long-term.


Sage is now listed with Alliance for Children! I love this smiley little boy and his contagious laughter. Sage has been waiting for a family his entire life, and has so much love to give! Don't see him as an orphan with a list of diagnoses, see him as a little boy with a beaming smile and happy personality! See him as your son! From Rainbowkids: Sage is 6-year-old boy. He was abandoned 1 year after being in his biological family and is now living in a baby home in Eastern Europe. He was diagnosed with Epilepsy but after a correct treatment, he has no seizures since 2022. Sage is a bright little boy, smiling all the time! He is very emotional kid. He catches toys and tries to play with them. He is eating well with an N-Tube through his nose. Sage sleeps quietly. He can turn without help from his stomach to his back and backwards again. If he gets stuck in the crib, he will scream (for help). Sage can hold his head upright and steady. He sits in a chair by himself. The boy has a weak leg support and cannot stay upright yet but can kick with his legs. Sage pronounces different sounds and wheezes sometimes. He punches and hits hanging toys when he is lying down and they are above his head. He previously cried a lot, but now he is more relaxed, smiling and cooing - a very positive child! He understands when a familiar adult is in the room and looks for him, smiles when spoken to and laughs loudly when teased. Sage would love to find a loving families to share those smiles and laughs with!
