Mitchell - family found!

Listed July 2021



Introducing adorable little "Mitchell"! Mitchell is 7 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to a hernia, Mitchell is also diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Mitchell enjoys playing with toys and exploring his environment. He is very friendly and loves to give hugs! Mitchell would rather play with adults, though he doesn't mind playing with other children. He has lots of energy, and is ALWAYS on the move! 

Mitchell can walk independently, and speaks using simple words and sentences, though he is still mostly nonverbal. Mitchell has a short attention span, and quickly moves from toy and activity. He is currently working on learning to independently eat and drink, but is making progress. 

No information is given about Mitchell's hernia but an agency can give more info.

Mitchell has $1,000 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow, as well as a $2,000 grant with Saint Mary International!

"Mitchell" has been overlooked for far too long. I can't believe he hasn't been scooped up yet! With time, love, and therapy, Mitchell could make huge strides in many different areas. All he needs now is someone to take that leap! Are you that person who will change Mitchell's life? Click the link to donate towards his adoption or to make an inquiry!

*Mitchell is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*
