Silas - family found!

Listed December 2023



Introducing adorable "Silas"! Silas is 3 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with craniosynostosis and hydrocephalus. It is suspected that he has Pfeiffer's Syndrome, but further genetic testing is required. 

Silas enjoys playing with toys, and is interested in his environment.

Silas can independently walk and run. He can climb up and down stairs with support. As of December 2023, Silas was nonverbal, but he imitates syllables and words. He follows verbal directions, and participates in games with peers.  

Silas has $100.00 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

This adorable little guy would benefit SO much from early intervention services. It's not too late for "Silas". There is still plenty of time to make a HUGE difference in his development! All he needs is the opportunity. I hope and pray that 2024 is HIS year. Could Silas be your son? Click the link to inquire or donate towards his adoption!
