Clay - updated may 2024 - family found!

Listed April 2023



Meet adorable little "Clay"! Clay is 4 years old and living in South America. He is deaf, and was born premature. Clay also has an autism diagnosis. 

Clay loves all things cars, and enjoys spinning the wheels and taking them apart. His favorite toys are those with lights, and he LOVES to wear his light up shoes!

Clay is making progress and growing more independent all the time. He is currently nonverbal, but expresses himself using gestures and sounds.

Clay has $90.00 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

"Clay" is a sweet little boy who has had a rough start at life. He needs a family that can provide for his medical and developmental needs, and love him forever. Don't let this handsome little man spend another year alone. Could Clay be your son?

Password: Adoptmaa



Clay is now listed as "Kenneth" with Nightlight Christian Adoptions! His most recent update reads: Introducing Clay a resilient 4-year-old boy. Clay is deaf and mute, he does not know sign language yet, but communicates through gestures. He is being evaluated to see if he can get the cochlear implant surgery, however the specialists are uncertain if he will gain hearing. Clay needs a family that will provide him with the care, and love that he needs to grow and thrive. I'm so sad that this sweet and perfect boy still waits for a family of his own. I know his mama is out there just WAITING to see him and make him a son! Could he be yours? Don't let Clay go yet another year without knowing the love of a family. 

Clay is now listed as "Kyle" with Children's House International! Clay now has an autism diagnosis. His most recent update reads: Clay receives speech, occupational and physical therapies which have helped him with his balance issues. While occasionally resistant to physical touch, Clay is usually open to affection such as hugs and tickles, and he loves playing with anything that has wheels. 
