CARLTON - family found!

Listed January 2014

A family in Indiana started the process for Carlton before he aged out, and was recently matched! God always makes a way!

Carlton is aging out in May 2024 and needs a family to start the process ASAP. He needs to be MATCHED with a family by the time he turns 16, which means someone should start the process NOW. Comment below for more information.


Meet handsome "Carlton"! This amazing boy is 16 years old and living in the Caribbean. Carlton is diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

Carlton has waited for his forever family since he was a tiny baby. This sweet boy is full of light and sunshine, and is now running out of time. Carlton is smart, mischievous, and always keeping everyone around him entertained! He loves to play, and attention from his caregivers and peers. Carlton is extremely joyful and excitable. His favorite activities are singing, dancing, playing in water, going for walks, playing on the trampoline, going for bike rides, pushing his peers on swings, and chasing people! 

Carlton independently uses a wheelchair to get around. He uses a gait trainer to run and walk, and will also scoot around on the floor. Carlton can independently get in and out of his wheelchair, bed, and shower. As of 2021, Carlton was still being spoon fed by an adult. He can put food in his mouth with a fork if you put food on the fork for him. Carlton can also drink independently. He is a very fast eater. Carlton is not a picky eater, but prefers foods that are softer textures like oatmeal or spaghetti. As of 2021 Carlton was nonverbal, but uses an iPad and cookie sheet with magnetic letters in school to answer questions and do his work. Carlton mostly communicates by pointing, using signs, and making vocalizations. He is extremely smart, and picks up on new concepts quickly. Carlton is able to read words in both his native language and English, and as of 2021 was doing curriculum at a sixth grade level. He can also solve multi step algebra problems in his head. Carlton has a short attention span and needs reminders to stay on task. Carlton needs assistance with daily activities such as brushing his teeth, changing clothes, and eating. He is not potty trained, but knows when his diaper needs to be changed and will independently go get new pants to be changed. He has many attention seeking behaviors. 

Someone who met Carlton in February 2023 stated that: "He is even more amazing than you think! Carlton is smart, goofy, and playful. He loves to dance and bobs to the beat of music in the most adorable way. He loves to eat and really loves chocolate. He is smart and can follow directions, such as turning off the lights or putting his shoes away. He can also read in two languages and can do advanced algebra in his head." and "Carlton is the most amazing teen boy! He has CP but that doesn't slow him down. He is active, and silly, and super smart. While Carlton is a great sleeper, he woke up extra early out of excitement to go to the beach. This boy loves adventures. He also loves eating, swimming, jumping on the trampoline, dancing, and being silly."

One of Carlton's caregivers said in 2019 that he is "silly, spunky, and friendly. He loves to play in water and jump the waves at the beach. He enjoys tricking people when he can and he is learning so much in school - he can read in two languages. He is the oldest child in his [residential care home]."

Carlton has a $5,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow, a $5,000 grant with Here I Am Orphan Ministries, and $0.00 in his personal grant with Nightlight Christian Adoptions!

"Carlton" is such an amazing child who is SO capable. He has watched his foster siblings come and go, and desperately needs a forever family of his own. If Carlton is so independent in an residential care home, just imagine the things he could do with the love of a family, as well as with access to quality medical care and therapies! Carlton ages out in May 2024. Life is not kind to orphans who age out, and I pray that this does not become Carlton's fate. Do you have room in your heart and home for Carlton?

*videos available*



Carlton is a 15 year old boy with cerebral palsy. He is smart, mischievous, funny and always keeping everyone around him entertained! Carlton can maneuver his wheelchair independently. He uses a gait trainer to run/walk, and when he is not in one of those he is always scooting or crawling on the floor. He can get in and out of his wheelchair, bed, and shower, and everywhere else he needs to go by himself. Carlton attaches to new friends and grownups easily and loves to be right next to his people helping them or playing all the time! He loves swimming, music, dancing, going for walks, doing chores around the house, jumping on the trampoline, going for bike rides, and just about anything as long as he’s doing it with his favorite people. Carlton is the most verbal “nonverbal” child and figures out a way to communicate pretty much everything that he needs to whether through gestures or any other method he prefers. At school he is working on age appropriate things and can participate in all his lessons by touching correct answers with his hands instead of writing or speaking. He is also working to improve his attention span! He doesn’t eat independently with a spoon but can use a fork and drink by himself. He is currently in diapers. Carlton loves to play with others but needs reminders to be gentle often when he gets overexcited. He is very social and loves to meet new people. Please see Carlton!!! He would thrive in a family! Time is running out for Carlton. In May 2024, Carlton will be too old to be adopted. Life is not good to disabled orphans who age out in this country. He will lose that spark and light. Please don't let that become Carleton's fate. Scroll above to inquire!
