Ned - family found!


Listed July 2022



Introducing "Ned"! This adorable little guy is 3 years old and living in Eastern Europe. Ned is diagnosed with cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus. 

Ned loves toys that make music! He likes to play with other kids, especially older children. He has a big bright smile!

Ned is currently living in a foster family where he has made tremendous progress! He is not aggressive, and rarely gets angry. Ned can walk, run, and ride his scooter. He needs help going up stairs. He can identify animals, and solve puzzles. Ned responds to his name, and is able to follow directions. He can say a few words in his native language, but prefers to hold hands to guide people to what he wants. He likes to pick out his own clothes, and can independently put on and take off his shoes. Ned can independently wash his hands. He loves to have bath toys! He is working on feeding himself independently with a spoon and has made progress. Ned still eats pureed food. 

Ned has made TREMENDOUS progress in the last year developmentally! When he arrived to his foster family, he could not sit, stand, or make any noises. He has been seeing different specialists, but it is unclear what kind or for what purpose.

Ned has $270 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption!

Could "Ned" be your son? This adorable boy is still so young, so full of life and wonder. Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards Ned's adoption!

*Ned is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this advocacy and fundraising initiative!*


"Ned" is now Dechie, and loving life in his forever family! He and his brother arrived in the US a little over a month ago. Dechie is described as an amazing little boy and has brought so much joy to his family! He is doing great! Advocacy, prayers, and donations have made a huge difference for little Dechie and his family's adoption journey. I pray that he continues to do well and make progress! Check out these photos from Dechie's family. How CUTE is this kid?! Welcome home Dechie! (posted with permission from the Peregrim family). 
