Lance - family found!

Listed October 2021


"Lance" aka "Vann"

Meet handsome little “Lance” aka “Vann”!

Lance is 4 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with a cleft palate, hydrocephalus, and developmental delay.

Lance loves to play with toys and interacting with his caregivers. He is a sweet boy who can make great progress with love and therapy!

Lance can stand independently and is often placed in a walker. He has physical therapy daily, and his caregivers believe he’ll be walking soon! He can eat soft foods with a spoon, and caregivers are currently looking for a foster home in his country where he can be around peers who are developmentally similar to Lance.

Lance has had his second surgery for his cleft and is doing well. He still has delayed communication, but caregivers believe this will improve over time.

Lance has a $1,010 personal grant with Reece’s Rainbow, as well as a $2,500 grant with Saint Mary International Adoptions! 

Cleft palates aren’t scary. Lance sure is one of the cutest toddlers you’ll ever meet! And he needs a mama to help him reach his full potential. Is “Lance” YOUR son? Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards Lance's adoption💚



Lance is a very social little boy who recently turned THREE! He likes to be goofy and swinging his toys around. He is a super sweet boy and loves attention! 


Lance is a sweet little guy STILL waiting for his forever family! Lance will smile and respond to familiar people. He is currently nonverbal but produces random sounds and syllables. He can turn over, stand, and walk with support. I don't understand how or why this adorable boy waits! Please, scroll above and click the link. Take a CHANCE on LANCE! 


Lance is now listed as "Victor" with Agape Adoptions! His bio on Rainbowkids reads: Lance can stand on his own and walks with some support. He currently undergoes physical therapy and is improving his motor skills every day. Lance has a very calm temperament and is often smiling. He enjoys reading books and will turn the pages himself as he reads. Lance's speech is not yet developed due to his bilateral cleft lip and palate, but he understands directions and can follow conversations very well. He enjoys playing with other children and shows love to his caretakers through hugs and kisses. This curious young boy likes to explore and learn how things work. He’s very interested in constructing things and will often take apart and build things to understand their purpose.

