Down Syndrome Awareness Month: Zalynn - family found! - updated may 2024


Listed October 2021



Introducing beautiful miss "Zalynn"! Zalynn is 7 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to Down Syndrome, Zalynn is also diagnosed with a ventricular septal defect, pulmonary hypertension, and kidney dysplasia.

Zalynn is a sweet girl who loves playing with toys, and affection and attention from her caregivers. She is described as smiley and loving. She loves hugs and kisses! 

Zalynn lived with her birth family until she was 4 years old. She has good gross motor skills. Zalynn can independently walk, run, and play with toys. She can cut with scissors, but struggles to accurately cut things out on the lines. Zalynn can hold a pencil and draw a circle. She can eat and drink independently from an open cup. Zalynn can get undressed by herself and put her socks and shoes on, but as of October 2021 still needed help getting dressed. She responds to her name, and can follow simple instructions. Zalynn is minimally verbal, but can say a few words. She does not show any aggression towards herself or other children. As of October 2022, Zalynn is not yet potty trained and still in diapers. 

Zalynn is allergic to chocolate and citrus fruits. Otherwise, she has a good appetite and is not picky.

Zalynn's developmental delays are likely caused by her diagnosis of Down Syndrome. 

Zalynn has $4,944.08 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow, as well as a $5,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow through the end of 2022! That's almost $10,000 towards her adoption!

Halloween is coming up, and sweet "Zalynn" won't have a family. She won't be dressing up or trick or treating with her family. Zalynn has waited far too long, and is getting older. She desperately needs access to quality medical care and therapies unavailable to her in her home country. Please, don't overlook this sweet girl any longer. Make this her last Halloween as an orphan. Make her your daughter!

*Zalynn has a MACC warrior this Christmas! Click the link to learn more and donate towards her adoption!*


"Zalynn" is now Tilly, and doing exceptionally well settling into her family! Tilly and her family arrived in America just a few weeks ago. She is so loved by her mama and siblings. Tilly's story has a happy ending thanks to the Obenauf family. She is a loved little girl, sister, and daughter. So many children just like Tilly are still out there waiting for families of their own. I am so thankful to God for giving this little girl a home where she can thrive and grow. Congratulations to the Obenauf family! Welcome home Tilly! (posted with permission from the Obenauf family).
