Jean - family found!

Listed December 2022



Introducing adorable "Jean"! Jean is 6 and living in Eastern Asia. She is diagnosed with epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and a brain hemorrhage. 


Jean loves to doodle, and playing with blocks. She loves food!

Jean is lively and outgoing. She is not shy around strangers. She has a speech delay, but has made progress. She can imitate words such as "no", "bye", "yes", and "thank you". Jean is not a picky eater, but tends to overeat. 

Jean currently has $18 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

As of December 2022, Jean was receiving weekly physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. She is in preschool where she is enrolled in special education classes. Jean was originally listed with her brother "Jensen", but he is currently in the process for adoption separately. 

*more photos and video available*

*Jean is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*


According to CCAI, these siblings may also be available for adoption separately. 


Updated photo for Jean, who is listed as "Beatrix" with CCAI! Sweet "Jean" is now all alone, her big brother is in process of adoption, and still she waits for a family of her own. If you think this beautiful girl could be your daughter, PLEASE scroll above and make an inquiry or donation towards her grant. 
