Sally & Cory - family found!

Listed December 2022


"Sally" & "Cory"

Meet adorable sibs "Sally" & "Cory"! Sally is 6 years old while her older brother Cory is 7. Sally is diagnosed with a heart murmur, and was born premature. Cory is diagnosed as having cerebral palsy, and a visual impairment. He was also born premature. These sweet siblings are living in Eastern Europe.


Sally is a smart and outgoing little girl! She is described as a "strong character" and could be a leader! She adores her older brother and is very protective of him. Sally is a sweet and cheerful girl who is curious about the world around her.

Sally has never been hospitalized.

Sally is diagnosed as having a heart murmur and is being followed by a cardiologist. 

Sally is also being followed by an allergist for rhinitis. 


Big brother "Cory" is a sweet and cheerful boy who is curious about the world around him. He doesn't let his diagnosis get him down, and works really hard! 

Cory uses his wheelchair to get around, but can crawl. He tries his best to be independent, and can independently eat, go to the bathroom, and get dressed. He can walk with assistance, but his caregivers believe that he will one day walk independently!

Cory does receive daily therapies, but it is unknown what they are or to what extent.

These sweet siblings have a strong bond! As of June 2023, Sally and Cory's file has been separated. They are now both available for adoption separately or together.

Sally & Cory have $315 in their personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards their adoption!

 Ever since these sweet sibs were listed I have felt a pull to advocate for them. They seem like great kids who would shine and continue to make progress in the right family. Could "Sally" & "Cory" be your son and daughter? Please don't keep them waiting! Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards their adoption!

*Sally & Cory have a MACC warrior this Christmas! Click the link to learn more or donate towards their grant!*
