Hailee - family found!

Listed November 2021


"Hailee" aka "Joanna"

Meet beautiful "Hailee" aka "Joanna"! Hailee is 5 years old and living in Eastern Asia. She is diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy.

Hailee is a gentle and sweet girl. She loves attention and will ask for hugs often. She is very curious and will gladly roll over to explore! Her favorite toys are those that have lights and make sounds. 

Hailee is friendly and outgoing! She is not afraid of strangers and won't even cry when her caregiver leaves the room. She will go right up to any stranger and show her big smile! Hailee is currently nonverbal. She cannot walk but rolls around to get where she wants to go. She eats mashed foods with help from her caregivers. 

Hailee takes medication to control her seizures, and as of October 2021 hadn't had a seizure in over a year. She receives occupational therapy regularly and is working on sitting up on her own. Prior to the pandemic she was attending a Child Development Center full days during the week.

Could "Hailee" be YOUR daughter? This sweet girl has waited far too long! I pray that her family sees her soon. Are you the one to give hugs and snuggles to little Hailee?

*videos available! *

