Evan - family found!

Listed October 2017



Introducing adorable "Evan"! Evan is 7 years old, and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, a congenital heart defect, a visual impairment, and a developmental delay. 

Evan is a sweet and curious boy. He likes to play with toys that make sounds or light up. He is a smiley and happy child, and will look for attention from caregivers! Evan also likes to listen to music, and will dance to the rhythm.

Evan will turn in the direction of sounds, but will not fix his eyes on who is speaking to him. He does not imitate actions with objects. Evan can turn from his back to his belly, stand up, and will reach for toys when they are handed to him. He is mostly calm and not aggressive, but will bite his hand when he wants to be left alone. Evan can imitate syllables, but cannot gesture or mimic. He is working on sitting upright independently. He gets around by crawling. He is usually smiling and happy, but can be self aggressive when he is upset. He can fall asleep on his own, and is a good sleeper. As of 2021, Evan was eating independently with a spoon! 

Evan is diagnosed as having a heart murmur. No information is provided about Evan's CHD or how it affects him, but an agency can give more info.

Evan had a shunt placed and appears to be healthy. As of 2021, an ophthalmologist had confirmed a diagnosis of optic nerve atrophy. 

Evan has $675.00 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

This adorable little guy has waited FAR too long. "Evan" needs a family to help him reach his fullest potential! He needs therapies and medical care to help him grow and thrive. Could this handsome boy be your son? Click the link to donate towards Evan's adoption or make an inquiry! Don't forget about "Evan"! 



Agency staff recently visited Evan and feel that he DOES have some vision. He was introduced to them as a "staff favorite" and asked the representative to find a family for him. Evan has not been able to take a recent eye exam due to short staffing and lack of finances at his orphanage. There are videos available as recent as November 2022! Evan can now speak in full sentences and can carry on conversations! He can name colors, basic shapes, count to 10, recite poems, and identify objects. Evan actively participates and seeks out activities. He still crawls to get around, but is able to take a few steps with support from an adult. Evan can eat independently and washes his hands. He told the agency representative that he wants to have a new carpet in the room where he plays to crawl around on. He even put it on his Christmas list from Santa! I have prayed so hard for this boy for so long, and while he may want a new carpet, he NEEDS a forever family. I hope and pray that this is his last Christmas as an orphan. Please, scroll above and take a CHANCE on Evan. Even if you can't adopt, every small donation helps! This handsome boy has waited far too long. Don't let him go overlooked another year. 


Evan is listed as "Linus" with Hopscotch. His most recent update reads: Evan's motor skills are becoming increasingly precise, and he walks when held by the hands or with a walker. While not yet potty trained, he feeds himself with a spoon, undresses independently, and can wash his hands/wipe his face. There are very positive dynamics in his social skills and communication. He speaks in complex, grammatically correct sentences and asks questions, memorizes songs and poems, and carries out three step instructions. Evan understands speech in its entirety and in the context of the individual relationship, especially when accompanied by affection. He has grasped concepts such as day and night and up/down or in/out and is well adjusted to the rhythm of orphanage life. Evan shows rich and varied feelings which are primarily positive. When frustrated, he may cry and self harm. He strives for individualized attention, emotional closeness, and active inclusion in targeted educational opportunities. He is intent on being a leader in activities and may withdraw if he does not succeed. 


Evan is listed as "Linus" with Hopscotch. His most recent update reads: Our in-country representative visited Evan this month and found him to be an outgoing, inquisitive, and friendly child who made an excellent impression. While a consultation is yet to be scheduled to confirm this, Evan has some preserved sight as he identifies colors, recognizes names of objects shown to him, and completes puzzles. Evan makes meaningful conversation, including asking and answering questions and had no difficulty communicating with our representative throughout her visit. He is a favorite at the orphanage, and, in turn, has favorite caretakers and friends. He is especially close to his roommate whom he requested be brought into the meeting with our representative as well. Evan is a bright little boy whose developmental potential has just been awakened and who would thrive in a forever family. 
