Art, Ross, & Nancy - family found!

Listed March 2021


"Art", "Ross", & "Nancy"

Introducing "Art", "Ross", & "Nancy"! These kids are living in Eastern Europe. Art is 13 and diagnosed with cataracts. Ross is 10 and diagnosed with a developmental delay, behavior disorder, metatarsus varus, and ADHD. Nancy, the youngest, is 9 and diagnosed with a developmental delay, ADHD, and an intellectual disability. All of these children have a history of abuse. 

I have seen these sweet siblings listed for a while now, and they have always pulled at my heart. 

The children are not currently together, though they live with foster families in the same village, and see each other often. They had a potential family coming, but unfortunately, could not continue the process. Each sibling has stated that they want to remain together, and they have a strong bond.


Art is the oldest, and is described as a radiant and sociable boy. He likes spending time with his friends, and participating in group activities at school. Art is caring, and always willing to help out! He is curious and inquisitive, and his favorite subjects at school are math, language arts, and science. Art likes to watch movies and documentaries, especially those that are nature and science related. 

Art understands and accepts emotions, and reacts appropriately. He communicates well, and can regulate his own emotions. Art understands the adoption process, but is hesitant because the last family that met him did not work out. He is working with a social services team to prepare him for the next potential family. Art can independently eat, wash his hands, brush his teeth, and bathe. He can get dressed independently, and will fold and arrange his clothes. He likes to have good hygiene and chooses his own clothes for the day, and willingly helps with household chores like setting the table. Art is attached to his foster mother, but isn't afraid of new people.

Art lost vision in one eye due to head trauma as a result of physical abuse. He had cataract surgery to repair it. 


Ross is the middle child, and enjoys playing on the playground, coloring, watching TV, playing on electronics, riding his bike or scooter, puzzles, and being active. He usually prefers to play by himself or with his siblings. 

Ross is most comfortable around familiar people, and is the most active and talkative when he is with his siblings. He struggles with emotional regulation, but can be calmed down easily. Ross struggles to concentrate and pay attention for long periods of time, and does not always listen or follow directions from adults. Ross was in 3rd grade during the 2022-2023 school year. He works with a resource teacher under an Individualized Education Plan. Because he struggles to focus, Ross is only in school until 10:30am, where he then completes the rest of his work at home. He does best with one-on-one interactions, but struggles to make and maintain friendships. Ross is easily overstimulated, and has occasional outbursts with mild aggression. He does not understand the adoption process, but many of his opinions are influenced by that of his older brother Art. Ross can independently get dressed and undressed, and wash his hands. He can take his shoes on and off with assistance. Ross has well developed motor skills. He struggles with sharing, and adapting to new environments. 

Ross had surgery on his right foot as an infant for metatarsus varus, and has shown good results. As of 2022, Ross was working with a speech therapist and psychologist.


Sweet Nancy enjoys being active! She likes to participate in activities at school, and spending time with her classmates. Nancy is energetic, and loves getting attention from adults. 

Nancy understands and accepts emotions, but does not always react appropriately. She struggles with emotional regulation. Nancy can be impulsive, and her speech is delayed. Occasionally, when upset Nancy shows mild aggression and emotional outbursts. She was in 2nd grade during the 2022-2023 school year, and though she struggles, she is willing to learn. Nancy has a short attention span and low frustration tolerance. She receives special education services, and works with a resource teacher. Nancy does not understand the adoption process. She has well developed gross motor skills, but is delayed in her fine motor skills. Nancy can eat, wash her hands, get dressed, and brush her teeth independently. She is attached to her foster parents, but seeks out interactions with unfamiliar people too. Nancy does not like to share. She does not always respect others personal space. 

Nancy is currently working with a speech therapist and psychologist.

Art, Ross, & Nancy have a $6,000 grant with Hand in Hand, as well as a $4,000 grant with Madison Adoptions! They also have a $5,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow! They also have a $3,000 grant with Agape!

I pray that someone chooses to take a chance on these sweet siblings. They each need love and support, someone to be their cheerleader and advocate. "Art" longs for a family to call his own, and each of them have been through enough trauma and heartache that even most adults couldn't understand. Please don't forget about "Art", "Ross", & "Nancy". Be the one who gives them the forever family that they so deserve. Quality services and therapies, as well as a little love, could be just what they need to thrive and reach their potential.



Art, Ross, & Nancy are now listed as "Atton", "Nelly", & "Rory" with Agape! I can't believe these adorable sibs are STILL waiting for a family to call their own. Please don't make them wait and go overlooked any longer. Scroll above to make an inquiry! Their updates on Rainbowkids read: 

As the eldest, Art often helps guide his siblings and participates in household chores. His kind and polite nature comes forth when he helps take care of the pets that reside where he is living. Art is very social and extroverted and has cultivated many friendships in both school and in the neighborhood where he lives. In school he enjoys solving math problems; he is well behaved and follows the rules his teachers have in place. Art’s vocabulary is rich and he enjoys communicating with adults.

Like his sister, Ross looks up to his brother and has great respect for him. He likes to communicate, but sometimes has trouble pronouncing words; at times he likes to make up his own words to convey what he means. He has an active, sweet, and playful personality which is often brought out by his siblings. His active spirit is shown by his strong ability to jump, run, climb, and throw balls. 

Nancy radiates a kind, sweet, and active personality. Like most younger siblings, she looks up to her older brothers and loves to follow them and mimic their actions. Currently, she mostly speaks with separate words. When she becomes excited and wants to communicate something she is passionate about, her speech becomes more difficult to understand. Nancy likes to make friendships with her peers and seeks to participate in group activities. One of her favorite foods is ice-cream and she greatly loves to spend her time on playgrounds.


"Art", "Ross", and "Nancy" are now listed as "Arnold", "Ross, and "Niya" with Holt International! Their most recent update reads: These siblings see each other daily and have close relationships with each other. An ideal adoptive family needs to have parented past Art’s age. They should have excellent educational resources. Family needs to be open to unknowns in development.

Art is described as happy, helpful, and maintains good relationships with others. He is reported to do well in school. In school, he enjoys writing, drawing, and completing math problems.

Ross also loves to be active and often rides his bike or scooter. He is delayed compared to peers and gets individualized attention at school to aid his development.

Nancy is described as energetic and is working to develop her vocabulary. She loves any physical activity – like running and jumping.


"Art", "Ross", & "Nancy" are now listed as "Alfie", "Ricky", & "Nala" with Global Adoptions! 

These sweet kiddos are also now listed as "Atticus", "Natalie", & "Ross" with Reece's Rainbow! Their update reads: Meet “Art, Nancy & Ross” – three siblings who are longing for a family where they can grow up loved and together. Art is a 12-year-old boy who does well in school and gets along with others. He has vision loss in one eye, but that has not seemed to slow him down! His sister, Nancy, just turned nine years old. She has diagnoses of a mild intellectual delay and minor behavioral issues. Nancy is described as mobile and energetic. She enjoys playing with her classmates and while she may learn more slowly than her peers, she is making continual progress. Their brother, Ross, just turned ten years old. Ross likes to color, watch TV, and ride on scooters and bicycles. He has diagnoses of a mild intellectual delay and ADHD as well as a congenital foot deformity for which he has undergone some treatment. I can't believe these sweet loves are still waiting. It's been so long, and I want nothing more than to see them in a family. Please don't let them spend yet another holiday season all alone. SEE THEM!





"Art", "Ross", & "Nancy" are now listed as "Atton", "Nelly", & "Rory" with Children's House International! Their update on Rainbowkids reads: 


Art is a modest, restrained, friendly, and cuddly boy. He does well in school, loves literature, mathematics, and especially physical education classes. Art has friends among his classmates, they play football (soccer) together. He likes to dance, hum and sing, sometimes at home he dances waltz, rumba, and cha-cha by himself. Art willingly helps in the household. 



Ross is a handsome, well built boy with lively eyes. During the last school year, he had no aggressive behavior at school, and has friends to play with. Ross gets overexcited when he is with more children and people, and when he is busy with games he loves. He likes to be the center of attention and sometimes does provocative actions to attract it. Ross is the initiator and engine of the games with his brother and sister. 


Nancy is beautiful, with fair skin and hair, a subtle and ethereal little girl. She likes to socialize and play with the children at school. Nancy likes to draw and color, recognizes most of the primary colors, knows some letters. She helps with setting the table at home. Nancy shines when she is in the company of her two brothers and plays with them. She is becoming more and more obedient and diligent in school, but it is difficult for her to absorb knowledge. 



"Art", "Ross", & "Nancy" are now listed with World Links! Their update on Rainbowkids reads: Bursting with joy and hope, these little ones deserve all the love and security a loving home can offer. These kids are 9, 10, and 12 years old ( two boys and a girl). They are active kids and love running, jumping, climbing, and playing with their friends. All 3 kids will need help to catch up educationally. They are very friendly. Their foster mother prepares the kids for and encourages them about a possible adoption. They need a loving and devoted adoptive parents who will not give up on them.
