Featured Child: Gwenna

Listed June 2024


Meet adorable baby "Gwenna"! Gwenna is 2 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to a cleft palate, Gwenna is also diagnosed with polymalformative syndrome, agenesis of corpus callosum, holoprosencephaly, microcephaly, and GERD. Gwenna also uses a feeding tube. 

Gwenna is described as a sweet little girl who loves to smile and laugh. She likes receiving attention, holding toys, and will laugh loudly when teased. Gwenna is very interested in people and what is going on around her, and is very observant. She loves listening to music, and being held and cuddled. 

Gwenna spends most of her days lying in a lonely crib, occasionally being moved into different positions by her caregivers. Her hands are frequently clenched into fists. Gwenna responds to sounds and sights in her environment, and is able to track them with her eyes. Gwenna primarily communicates through sounds and facial expressions. She is fully dependent on her caregivers. 

Gwenna had a G-tube placed in 2023. 

No information is provided about Gwenna's cleft palate or how it impacts her, but an agency can give more info. 

Gwenna has a $2,500 grant with Wasatch Adoptions! She also has $9.00 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow where she is listed as "Beverly"!

Despite "Gwenna"'s significant medical needs, she sounds like a sweet, vibrant, cuddly, AMAZING little girl! Gwenna is still SO young and would greatly benefit from early intervention services. She deserves a loving family who will hold her hand and cheer her on through the good and bad moments, loving her unconditionally. Please don't let this gem of a girl have to wait much longer! Click the link to inquire!

*Gwenna/Beverly has a MACC warrior this Christmas! Click the link to learn more or donate towards her grant!*

