Azul - family found

Listed July 2022



Introducing adorable "Azul"! Azul is 7 years old and living in South America. In addition to epilepsy, Azul is also diagnosed with a speech delay. He also has a history of abuse. 

Azul is described as "an adorable little guy". He loves to paint and do art, and is interested in electronics. He loves affection and attention from his caregivers. He loves to ride his bike, and going fast! He is incredibly sweet and affectionate, and loves to smile and laugh. Azul is kind and likes to help and play with the other children in his orphanage. 

Azul is able to follow instructions, and can complete tasks such as coloring, playing with blocks, looking at books, and cutting. He can be resistant to follow the rules at times. Azul has good gross motor skills, and videos show him walking and running. His fine motor skills are delayed but improving. 

No information is provided about Azul's diagnosis of epilepsy, but an agency can give more info.

Sweet "Azul" YEARNS for a mama and papa. When agency staff met him over the summer, he had a hard time letting go. Azul has so much to offer a family, and would be an amazing son. Please, don't let this sweet boy grow up an orphan. Take a chance and make an inquiry!

Password: Adoptmaa
