These children are all now HOME! They are now a loved and cherished son or daughter. The rest of their lives is just beginning! Each of these children were advocated for on this blog at some point, and I am so happy that ADVOCACY WORKS! Please keep each of these children and their families in your prayers. Adoption is not easy, and these kids still have a long road ahead. But now, they won't have to face those traumas and struggles all alone. Praise the Lord for answered prayers! Congrats to these sweet kiddos and their families!

Sevara - Home from Kyrgyzstan November 2023

Theo - Home from Bulgaria November 2023

Olive - Home from Bulgaria August 2023

Dechie - Home from Bulgaria July 2023

Neli - Home from Bulgaria January 2024

Niki - Home from Bulgaria April 2024

Tilly - Home from Bulgaria April 2024
