Martin - family found!

Listed September 2021

Family Found February 2023


Meet "Martin"! Martin is 6 years old and living in Pacific Asia. He is diagnosed with a developmental delay, speech delay, and William's Syndrome.

Martin is described as a sweet and cheerful child who loves to smile! He likes to play and explore his surroundings. 

Martin can independently walk and climb stairs. As of 2021, Martin could speak in simple three syllable words. 

Martin has an official diagnosis of William's Syndrome, and as of 2021 was receiving physical and occupational therapy weekly. 

"Martin" may be well taken care of in his foster home, but it will never replace the love and consistency he could receive in a forever family.  He desperately needs access to quality medical care and therapies unavailable to him in his country. Could Martin be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry. Don't let him spend another holiday season as an orphan!
