Antony - updated feb 2024 - family found!

Listed February 2023



Introducing "Antony"! This curly haired cutie is 1 year old and living in South America. In addition to possible muscular dystrophy, Antony is also diagnosed with hydrocephalus, and respiratory distress syndrome. Antony was born premature, and has a history of abuse.

Antony has a bright smile! He absolutely LOVES to be talked to and held, and like most babies, prefers bright toys and rattles. 

Antony has not been officially diagnosed with muscular dystrophy, but caregivers and doctors suspect he may have it due to his motor delays. An agency can give more info. 

Antony is starting to transition from formula to supplemental nutrition of different flavors and consistencies, which he has seemed to enjoy. He makes eye contact, coos, and grasps his caregivers hands, and objects when they are given to him. Antony turns his head in the direction of noises, but is not able to completely roll over to one side. 

Antony was receiving therapy as of February 2023, but it is uncertain what kind or to what extent. 

Antony has $0.00 in his personal grant with Nightlight!

Did baby "Antony" capture your heart like he has mine? I hope and pray that this precious boy is scooped up quick. Antony has a long list of diagnoses that make him less likely to get adopted, but he is still so worthy of a forever home, and would make SO much progress with early intervention. Please don't keep this handsome guy waiting. Click the link to inquire about Antony!

password: Adoptmaa


Precious "Antony" is still waiting and has the CUTEST new photo! Big brown eyes and curly hair, what's not to love about this sweet little boy?! Antony has waited for far too long. Please let this be the year he finds his mama. He is still so tiny and young, and would benefit greatly from the love and access to therapies that a family could give him!

Antony is listed as "AJ" with Holt International! His update reads: Meet Antony! Reports say Antony is receptive to a familiar adult’s affection. When bothered, he calms down when a trusted caregiver shows him attention. Though, he is learning to be affectionate in return. He is said to communicate his needs – hunger, discomfort, tiredness, etc. – through crying. He moved into a new care institution in 2022 and was said to have adjusted well. He is in the nursery area of the home where he lives with 7 other children his age. Antony is developmentally delayed in various areas compared to peers. Most notably, he is delayed in his motor development. He is currently receiving various therapies to improve his development. His adoptive parents need to have access to these therapies to help him reach his potential. A prospective adoptive family should not have young children in the home, so they can focus their attention on his needs. The family should have easy access to medical services and Spanish speaking services. The family should also be well-versed in TBRI. 

The curls, the ponytail, I DEFINITELY have baby fever! Someone go get this handsome little man!


Antony is now listed as "Aiden" with Wide Horizons for Children! His most recent update reads: Antony is described as a calm baby who interacts with his care givers with smiles and vocalizations.  There is nothing cuter than Antony's little squeal of delight when he catches the eye of his caregiver.  He was born at 33 weeks and has multiple medical conditions that need skilled medical treatment.

Antony is now listed as "Asa" with Children's House International! His update reads: Antony is improving in many areas of his development. He is more socially interactive with his caregivers and peers as being more interactive with his environment. Antony now responds to his peers with laughter, and his babbling has increased. He has found new ways to attract the attention of adults, smiles more, and understands funny actions. Antony also gives high fives when asked to do so. He imitates hand actions. Antony is able to independently roll toward people and objects he desires in order to reach them. He has also shown a greater affinity for his usual caregivers than those who are only occasionally with him. 
