

Listed October 2022

"Naveah" aka "Raya"

Meet "Naveah" aka "Raya"! Naveah is 6 years old and living in Europe. She is diagnosed with cerebral palsy and a genetic disorder.

Naveah loves to watch cartoons and movies. When she is happy, she laughs and giggles! She is a beautiful girl with dark hair and brown eyes.

Naveah can walk independently. She can speak in simple two word sentences. Naveah does still struggle to communicate, and will often resort to screaming.

Not much public information is provided on sweet "Naveah" aka "Raya" but what IS clear is that she is a beautiful little girl who desperately needs a family. I pray that this is her last Thanksgiving as an orphan. I pray her FAMILY comes soon! Click the link to make an inquiry!
