Bianca - updated sep 2024

Listed February 2024


Meet "Bianca"! Bianca is 2 years old and living in Eastern Europe. She is diagnosed with a visual impairment, scoliosis, a hearing impairment, a congenital heart defect, microcephaly, and cerebral palsy. Bianca likely has a genetic condition, potentially Goldenhar Syndrome, but further genetic testing is required. 

Bianca is described as a sweet and lovable little girl. She loves interacting with people and snuggles! Bianca is calm with other peers, and unfamiliar adults. 

This beautiful girl has been waiting for a family ever since she was a newborn. Bianca is able to independently sit, stand, and will take steps with support. She is able to roll in both directions, and push up with her hands when lying on her belly. Bianca was recently transferred to a new residential facility where she has made good progress. She is a good sleeper and eats well, food that is pureed with a spoon. Bianca is able to see to some extent, and will react to toys. It is observed that she does have some hearing in her left ear, but she will likely benefit from cochlear implant surgery in the future. Bianca is overall healthy other than a minor heart condition. She is fully dependent on her caregivers and needs constant supervision. Bianca is able to hold things with her left hand. She is not yet speaking, and primarily communicates through facial expressions and vocalizations. 

Bianca is currently receiving some therapy, but it is unclear what kind or to what extent. She is not yet old enough to attend school, but does go to a daycare of sorts where she is well loved and her needs are supported. Bianca still naps regularly like most two year olds. She almost always wakes up in a good mood. 

Bianca currently has a $2,500 grant with Wasatch! She also has $169 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards her adoption!

Beautiful "Bianca" is a sweet little girl who is hard not to love. She is still so little, and there is plenty of time to scoop her up and give her all the opportunities and early interventions that she needs to thrive and reach her full potential! Bianca is too young to understand adoption, but a life in an orphanage has been her norm, and it shouldn't have to be. Don't let this sweet little girl spend her life in an orphanage. Click the link to inquire or donate towards her adoption!

*Bianca has a MACC warrior this Christmas! Click the link to learn more or donate towards her grant!*



Beautiful Bianca is now listed with Hand in Hand! I hate knowing that this sweet little girl is still waiting for a family to call her own. Bianca desperately needs early intervention and medical care that she can only find in a forever family. I pray she doesn't have to wait much longer. Do you have room in your heart and home for sweet B? From Rainbowkids: Bianca has a great improvement in her emotional and physical development in the last months, thanks to the daily rehabilitation, the care and attention of caregivers in the Center where she is placed. She is able to make a few steps with assistance because now she has better muscle strength. She is smiling more often and likes to play with rattle toys and stuffed toys. Her favorite activity is cuddling. At first, she does not feel comfortable around strangers but after a while she starts smiling and allows to be hold. She has delay in the physical and neuropsychological development. As a result of examinations carried out by specialists, the child was diagnosed with a syndrome of congenital anomalies with predominantly facial involvement. The motor development does not correspond to her age. She is able to turn for belly to back and vice versa. She is not able sit independently. When sitting with support she stretches out to lay down. The child is not able to walk and does not try to take steps; while sitting in a walker, she makes one-two steps spontaneously.  Bianca is able to stand up in her cribs and walks around while in it. While held by the hand, she is able to make a few steps, but after that falls down. She grabs the toys which are in her crib but does not play with them according to their purpose. Most of the time the child is calm. She does not have emotional bond with her parents as well as with her caregivers in the institution. Bianca does not express adequate emotions of affection when meeting or separating. Speech is not developed. She pronounces different sounds which are result of positive emotions or touch. When an adult is talking to her or touching her, she often grabs for the hand or the clothes. She starts crying and stretches out to lay down when put in a sitting position to be fed and her clothes to be changed. She does not play with the toys according to their purpose and prefers independent play. She is self-sufficient, she does not look for other children and an adult for communication or play. She prefers to play by herself. When an adult is trying to interact with her she pushes their hand and stretches back. While held by an adult she does not stay for a long period and after a few minutes tries to lay down on the mattress. She rarely turns her head when somebody calls her name. Bianca does not participate in activities with other children and prefers independent play. She is cared for by an adult. The child eats what the other children eat but the food is pureed. The sleep is calm. The child uses diapers. 
