Eddie & Ernie

Listed March 2024

"Eddie" & "Ernie"

Meet adorable brothers "Eddie" & "Ernie"! Eddie is 8 years old and diagnosed with possible thyroid issues and a behavior disorder. Big brother Ernie is 10 years old and diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome. These sweet sibs are living in Eastern Europe.

Eddie and Ernie have a tight bond, and take care of each other. They have both experienced so much trauma in their short lives, and depend on each other. They hope to be adopted together. 


Eddie is very sweet, the younger of the two. He loves being around people, such as his brothers, and telling stories. Eddie has expressed that he wants a family badly. 

Eddie has good physical development and is very independent. He is very small for his age. Eddie has difficulty biting and chewing because he was on a dairy only diet in his biological family. He has struggled to bond with caregivers at the orphanage, and is sad that no one visits him. Eddie struggles to deal with rejection, and often wets the bed. 

Eddie is currently being followed by an endocrinologist and takes medications. 


Ernie is the BEST older brother, and loves taking care of Eddie. His favorite thing to do is arts and crafts, and his caregivers describe him as a "very nice boy with a big heart".

Ernie has good physical development but has delays as a result of fetal alcohol syndrome, particularly in the areas of speech and behavior. His education was delayed, but he does well in both math and English. 

These sweet boys have gone through more than most children their age. They are so deserving of a family that will show them what it means to truly be loved and treated as sons. The boys will likely need follow up psychiatry care after adoption, but they both desperately want to be adopted and long to be a part of a forever family. Could "Eddie" & "Ernie" be the two missing pieces to your family? Click the link to inquire. I hope and pray that they don't wait too long!

