
Listed May 2023


Introducing beautiful miss "Alicia"! Alicia is 4 years old and living in Africa. She is diagnosed with Down Syndrome. 

Alicia is described as a happy, friendly, and energetic child. She enjoys clapping, watch cartoons, dancing, and singing. Alicia loves to cuddle and receive physical affection, and attention from her caregivers. She has a healthy appetite, and her favorite foods are cereal, pasta, beans, and rice. 

Alicia started walking at 12 months old. Though she is currently nonverbal as of May 2023, she understands what is said to her. Her caregivers primarily speak to her in English. Alicia maintains eye contact, and she can independently feed herself. 

Alicia is overall healthy and does not have any known medical needs. 

Alicia has $0.00 in her personal grant with Nightlight!

Sweet and tiny "Alicia" is still so young, and needing a family of her own. She could benefit so much from early intervention, and the love and consistency of a family. Please don't let her grow up an orphan. She deserves to be loved and called a daughter! Do you have room in your heart and home for Alicia? Click the link to inquire or donate towards her adoption.
