Rare Chromosome Disorder Awareness Week: Nick



Listed June 2023


Introducing handsome Mr. "Nick"! Nick is 10 years old and living in Asia. He is diagnosed with Congenital Hypoventilation Syndrome, and autism. Nick also uses a trach.

Nick is described as a "sweetheart" that will "light up a room with his cheerful personality!". He is a happy, friendly, gentle, and caring boy. Nick often shows concern for the other children in his orphanage, especially when someone is upset or crying. He loves playing with his friends, and connecting with others. Like most kids his age, Nick enjoys playing with electronics, having taught himself how to use an iPad, including creating and editing videos by himself! He is known as the "tech wiz" at his orphanage! Nick also likes to play with puzzles and Rubiks cubes! He is a quick learner!

Nick can go up to 11 hours without needing his ventilator, and usually only needs support while sleeping. He talks through a valve in his trach, though he can be hard to understand at times. He speaks in short sentences. Nick can walk independently about 15-20 meters, jump, kick a ball about 2-3 feet, and go up and down stairs with support, but tires quickly. He typically uses a wheelchair to get places quickly. Nick's caregivers say that he is easy to care for and comfort. He rarely throws tantrums, and builds meaningful relationships with his peers and caregivers. 

Nick's diagnosis is a result of a genetic mutation on chromosome 4p12. For more information, click here.

Nick began speech therapy in 2020 and has made significant progress. 

His caregivers believe that Nick has lots of potential to make even more progress in a family!

Sweet "Nick" sounds like an absolute ray of sunshine! Don't let his medical needs overshadow the fact that he is a little boy, needing a mama and papa. He is so smart and so capable, all he needs now is someone to say YES. Is Nick your son? Click the link to inquire!

*video available*
