

Listed October 2018

"Matvey" aka "Josiah"

Introducing adorable little "Matvey" aka "Josiah"! Matvey is 7 years old and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with pyruvate kinase deficiency, a blood disorder, microcephaly, and brain lesions. Matvey is also blind.

Matvey is a mostly calm boy who will laugh loudly when played with, and loves attention. 

As of 2018, Matvey was not yet walking, but could turn from his back to his belly and vice versa. He was beginning to understand the purpose of objects. Matvey is nonverbal, but will make vocalizations.  He is a picky eater. As of 2023, Matvey was still completely dependent on his caregivers. He can hold a toy in his hand. 

He is on a very strict diet due to his blood disorder, and is spoon fed.

Matvey has $1,000.10 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption where he is listed as "Josiah"! He also has a $2,500 grant with Wasatch!

Sweet little "Matvey" aka "Josiah" hasn't had an updated photo in many years, but he is STILL waiting for a family, as his file was recirculated in 2023. I just can't believe this cutie is still waiting for a family of his own. Please don't let Matvey continue to go overlooked. Click the link to inquire or donate towards his adoption!

*Matvey is eligible for the Miracle of Adoption Christmas Campaign with Reece's Rainbow! Click the link to learn more about this fundraising and advocacy initiative!*


Matvey FINALLY has an update after 4 years without one! I just can't believe this precious boy is still waiting, and now he needs a mama more than ever. Matvey is now listed as "Jules" with Wasatch. His update on Rainbowkids reads: When our staff met Matvey at his orphanage, they noticed that in general, Matvey does not like to be bothered or moved.  He likes to stay in his crib and spends most of his time there. Periodically, they put him on a soft chair in another other room or in a pram. But he immediately begins protesting, and to calm him down, they put him back in bed. He doesn't like to be cuddled. Both of his hands are active, and after eating he often puts his fingers in his mouth.   Matvey makes a lot of movements when he is awake.  He moves himself in the crib and turns around. He doesn't like to stay on his stomach much and does not lift his head. He has no preference for the elderly or for the staff caring for him. He didn't mind and didn't react in any way to my touching and petting him.  However, the staff said he quickly gets tired of individual attention.  Matvey only makes sounds when he is protesting.  When he is happy or satisfied, he starts "singing" to himself.... some sounds - not syllables or words. Matvey needs a family, a lot of love, patience, personal attention and activities. The specialists need to work a lot more systematically with him. Agency staff was unable to tell if it's really because of the diagnosis that he is left on his back or just that he protests so much they quickly put him on his back.  Agency staff wonders if perhaps there are other ways to position him or to attract his attention, so that he is not always left lying down. Agency staff was also interested in the fact that he doesn't like to be hugged or have his personal space invaded, and maybe it depends on who does it and in what way.  Matvey needs more stimulation, purposeful work by specialists and to be supported by a loving and caring family.

It seems to me that Matvey has regressed greatly. Now is the time to step up and run to this precious little guy. Please don't let him continue to regress, and lie in a crib all alone. He deserves to know what it's like to be loved!

Matvey is now listed as "Ylan" with Children's House International! His update reads: Matvey enjoys teasing from adults, and laughs out loud. He does not understand his difficulties. Matvey responds positively to tactile stimulation. He is totally dependent on his caregivers. Matvey is fed by an adult with a spoon. He drinks with the help of a glass. Matvey is currently on a ketogenic diet. He sleeps in a childrens bed, and he is a good sleeper.
