

Listed December 2022

"Colson" aka "Caleb"

Meet adorable little "Colson" aka "Caleb"! Colson is 4 years old and living in South America. He is diagnosed with a developmental delay, and is blind. Colson was also born premature.

Colson likes to be spoken to and interacted with. He loves tickles, and is a cheerful little boy! Like most kids his age, Colson enjoys water play, balls, and toys that make noise.

Colson is delayed in the area of both fine and gross motor skills, as well as social skills. He can say simple words to request food and reference his caregivers. Colson examines the world around him by using his hands, and recognizes his name and simple gestures, though still mostly communicates his needs through crying. Colson can crawl, and is not yet walking independently, but can stand with assistance, and uses the wall for support or a toy walker. Colson is very loved by his caregivers, and will soon begin learning braille!

Colson receives speech, physical, and occupational therapies, and has made great progress. He regularly sees his ophthalmologist. 

Colson has $0.00 in his personal grant with Nightlight!

Could adorable little "Colson" aka "Caleb" be the missing piece to your family? Just imagine the laughter and joy of a little boy filling your home! He needs a family that can provide for his needs, and give him early intervention services. Don't keep Colson waiting! Click the link to inquire or donate towards his adoption!
