

Listed December 2022

"Christopher" aka "Aaron"

Introducing "Christopher" aka "Aaron"! Christopher is 8 years old and living in South America. He is diagnosed with autism.

Christopher enjoys playing with legos and cars, but his FAVORITE thing are dinosaurs! His favorite dinosaur is the T-Rex. Christopher has a big heart, and cares for others. He is very smart, and enjoys learning all of his shapes and colors. 

Christopher is cooperative and plays well with peers, but sometimes prefers to play alone. 

Christopher has $0.00 in his personal grant with Nightlight where he is listed as "Aaron"! He also has $35.00 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

Handsome little "Christopher" aka "Aaron" needs a family that will love him unconditionally, and provide for his needs. This loving little boy deserves to know the love of a mama and papa! Is your home missing the love that little Christopher could bring? Click the link to inquire!
