Brian - updated may 2024

Listed July 2018


Introducing handsome "Brian"! Brian is 9 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to a limb difference, Brian is also diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and developmental delay. Moebius Syndrome is a potential possibility, but he does not have a formal diagnosis. 

Brian is a sweet boy who loves interacting with his caregivers. He has formed a strong bond with his roommate, but unfortunately his roommate is being adopted. Brian will be left alone as he continues to wait for a loving family of his own. 

Brian recognizes his caregivers and has formed an attachment to his favorite caregiver. He is uncomfortable around strangers. Brian understands what is said to him, and can follow simple directions. He can walk and sit independently. Brian makes eye contact, and cries when he feels bad. He can have short and basic conversations, asking questions and expecting answers. 

Pulmonary Hypertension is a type of heart and lung disease. This occurs when the pressure in the blood vessels leading from the heart to the lungs is too high. While there is no cure, many people with this condition take medication, and occasionally need oxygen, to control it. This condition worsens over time, and can be caused by a number of factors, including genetics. In the most severe of cases, patients may need a lung transplant. If left untreated, this can cause heart failure, which can be fatal. 

Brian is specifically diagnosed with Transient Pulmonary Hypertension, aka Persistent Pulmonary Hypertension. This condition occurs in newborn babies. It is unknown if Brian is still being treated for this condition, but an agency can give more info. 

Brian is diagnosed as having a club foot, and although he can walk independently, he has to move in a specific unnatural way.

As of July 2018, Brian was receiving physical and occupational therapy. 

Brian has $1,525 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption!

Sweet "Brian" has been waiting YEARS for a family of his own. When I saw his most recent photo on Rainbowkids just a few weeks ago, I couldn't believe he was still waiting! Brian needs a family that can care and love him unconditionally. Do you have room in your heart and home for Brian?



Brian is now listed as "Royce" with Children's House International! It breaks my heart to see this perfect boy still waiting for a forever family. He is SO deserving and worthy of unconditional love. Hoping and praying that he doesn't wait another year. From Rainbowkids: Brian is a remarkable child whose life story is woven with both challenges and milestones. From the moment of his birth, Brian has been battling a complex array of congenital anomalies, which have primarily manifested in his facial features and have contributed to a condition known as "pectus excavatum," leading to a flatter thorax. Despite these hurdles, Brian's spirit and resilience shine brightly. His medical team has been diligently working to understand the full scope of his condition. Brian lives with a severe congenital neurological impairment, and while his exact diagnosis is still being refined, observations point towards a metabolic disorder, multiple sulfatase deficiency being a significant consideration. This has led to a marked delay in his psychomotor development, a challenge that Brian is courageously facing. In his therapeutic journey, Brian has been receiving combined nootropic medication stimulation, which has yielded promising results. Impressively, after reaching his 4th month, he developed sucking and chewing reflexes. There are reports of increased muscle tone, and though challenges persist, there's noted improvement in head control alongside engagement with his surroundings through sight and coordinated movements. Notably, his head circumference has stabilized, and he has been free from seizures. Brian's healthcare odyssey has included hospitalizations at a Pediatric Clinic focused on pinpointing his diagnosis, successfully ruling out peroxisomal diseases, spinal muscle atrophy, and other metabolic conditions. His neurological and cardiological evaluations have underscored a severe delay in neuro-psychic development, yet he continues to make progress under the careful guidance of his medical team. Consultations with an orthopedist have addressed his congenital equinovarus deformity, with a current consensus that surgery is not required at this stage. Nonetheless, muscle hypotonia remains a condition Brian bravely contends with, alongside micro retrognathia and macroglossia. Additionally, a systolic murmur has been detected, suggesting a persistent foramen ovale, alongside the continuing management of his equinovarus deformity. Throughout his healthcare journey, Brian has shown incredible tenacity and a zest for life that inspires all around him. His developmental path, while unique, is filled with potential and promise. 


Brian now has a new update with Hopscotch! He has gotten so big, but is still just as sweet. I hope and pray that his family comes soon. He's waited for so long. Please see sweet Brian and all his worth! Brian is in good health and currently takes no medications. His fine and gross motor skills have improved considerably over the last few years, and he now walks independently. Since his transfer to a new group home and separation from a very verbal best friend, Brian’s expressive language has blossomed revealing an inquisitive chatterbox who can communicate with others with few barriers. Brian has a hearty appetite and eats and drinks independently. He remains observant and watchful and pays close attention to all goings on in his environment. Brian is aware of the caretakers’ schedules, the names of everyone in the building, the locations of the offices of the professional staff, etc. Described as calm, very cheerful, and positive, Brian likes swinging in the yard, going to the nearby mineral baths and playing with cables. Our in-country representative who had met Brian a few years ago was stunned by the significant developmental progress he has made and said he was almost like a different child. She believes that in a loving family who can provide him with appropriate interventions and education, he will continue to grow in every way.
