Janet - updated jan 2024 - family found!

Listed December 2022

Family found March 2024!


Introducing beautiful "Janet"! Janet is 9 years old and living in East Asia. She is diagnosed with ADHD, autism, & Tourette's Syndrome.

Janet loves to do crafts, playing house, basketball, and riding her bike. She is described as a smart and straightforward girl. Janet will openly express her own thoughts and is strong-willed. She loves to learn and going to school. Janet's favorite subjects at school are Mandarin, Life Curriculum, drawing, and P.E. She has a group of good friends at school and loves playing hide and seek at recess! Janet likes to look pretty and wearing skirts. She has also said that she wants long hair. Janet also loves My Little Pony and playing with dolls. Her favorite foods are vegetables, meat, and tomatoes. 

Janet does well in one-on-one interactions. She is making progress with interacting with peers. As of December 2022, Janet was still undergoing tests for diagnoses of autism, ADHD, and Tourette's. She is currently receiving special education at her school. The best family for Janet would be one that is patient and can give her encouragement and clear boundaries. When she doesn't get her way, Janet can become extremely emotional, but this has improved since her institution has implemented a solid routine and expectations for her. She has a good appetite and is not a picky eater.  

It is unknown whether or not Janet has an official diagnosis of autism as of April 2023. An agency can give more information about her diagnosis and how it impacts her.

Tourette's Syndrome is a disorder characterized by involuntarily movements, or tics. The impact of Tourette's can vary greatly for every person, but common tics include rapid blinking, throat clearing, or sniffing. Tics can become very painful and debilitating in the most severe of cases. As of December 2022, Janet was still undergoing diagnostic testing for Tourette's Syndrome, but it is unclear if she received a diagnosis. An agency can give more info.

Janet has $45 in her personal grant with Reece's Rainbow!

This sweet girl needs a mama who will give her all the love and attention she deserves and needs. "Janet" would thrive in a home where she is loved and able to get the services and therapies she needs to reach her fullest potential. Is Janet the missing piece of your family? Click the link to inquire or donate towards her adoption!


