
Listed December 2022

"Maya" aka "Margot"

Introducing beautiful miss "Maya" aka "Margot"! Maya is 13 years old and living in South America. She is diagnosed with a developmental delay, cerebral palsy, microcephaly, visual impairment, and epilepsy. She also has a feeding tube.

Maya loves to do puzzles, making jewelry, and playing with paper. She absolutely adores babies and younger children! She likes to take care of and play games with them. Maya is said to have a strong motherly intuition, and loves baby dolls. She also loves affection and attention from her caregivers, helping, and participating in activities. Maya is described as "a good friend to her peers and a joy to be around". 

Maya is behind grade level from typical peers, and struggles with remembering concepts and attention span. She is described as easy going and cooperative. Maya is motivated to becoming more independent, and has improved with her self help skills. She can walk independently, and typically wears glasses. Maya can get dressed and undressed, and brushes her teeth independently, and can also make her bed with help.

As of December 2022, Maya was currently receiving occupational, speech, and physical therapies, though it is unknown to what extent. 

Maya has $0.00 in her personal grant with Nightlight Christian Adoptions! Maya also has a $500 grant with Madison Adoptions where she is listed as "Melody"!

Sweet "Maya" longs to be called a cherished daughter. I can just imagine her being the big sister or older cousin who is always willing to help out with the little ones in her family! Can you imagine this same life with sweet Maya? Praying that 2023 is the year your family sees you sweet girl! 

*videos available*

"Maya" is currently living in an residential care home known as "For His Children Ecuad*r" If you'd like to sponsor her, click the link below. She is listed under the pseudonym "Valeria"! 


