
Listed June 2022

"Nettie" aka "Maggie"

Meet sweet "Nettie" aka "Maggie"! Nettie is 11 years old and living in South America. In addition to epilepsy, Nettie is also diagnosed with West Syndrome.

Sweet Nettie has lived in an orphanage since she was a year old. Her biological mother couldn't provide her with the resources she needed, and she has been waiting for a forever family ever since.

Nettie loves snuggles and hugs from her caregivers. She feels safest around familiar people. Nettie enjoys being outside and sitting in the sun. She loves massages, and listening to music.

Nettie is severely developmentally delayed. She is nonverbal, and communicates contentment or discomfort through facial gestures. 

Not much information is provided about Nettie's epilepsy other than it is considered "refractory epilepsy". Refractory epilepsy is when the seizures are difficult to control even with medication.

West Syndrome is a seizure disorder characterized by infantile spasms and cognitive and developmental delays. 

Sweet "Nettie" aka "Maggie" has been waiting for her mama since she was a tiny girl. She desperately needs out and access to quality medical care and therapies. She will need lifelong care, but I pray she finds that in a loving family, not in an orphanage crib. Could this pretty girl be the missing piece of your family? Click the link to make an inquiry.
