Jeremy - updated jun 2024

Listed September 2022


Introducing "Jeremy"! This cutie is 4 years old and living in South America. In addition to epilepsy, Jeremy is also diagnosed with microcephaly, a visual impairment, cerebral palsy, and a congenital heart defect. Jeremy also uses a feeding tube.

Jeremy is described as an affectionate boy with a smile that lights up any room! He loves to listen to his foster mother sing to him.

No information is provided about Jeremy's medical info other than his diagnoses, but an agency can give more info.

Jeremy has about 20 small seizures a day on a "bad day", and takes medication to help control them. An agency can give more info about his epilepsy and how it affects him.

Jeremy is diagnosed with Congenital Heart Disease. No information is provided about his condition or how it impacts him, but an agency can give more info. 

Jeremy has $821.10 in his personal grant with Reece's Rainbow towards his adoption! He also has a $500 grant with Madison Adoptions, and is eligible for a grant of up to $5,000 with RODS Heroes. 

Though his bio is incredibly short and vague, what's clear is that this adorable little guy is a bundle of joy, and so ready to be called a son! "Jeremy" desperately needs access to quality medical care and therapies. Can you imagine snuggling with this lovebug as you sing his favorite songs? Please don't let Jeremy grow up an orphan! Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards his adoption!

Advocate for Jeremy


password: Adoptmaa


Jeremy is now listed as "David" with Nightlight Christian Adoptions! His update reads: Meet Jeremy, a 4-year-old boy whose love and potential shine brightly despite facing significant challenges. Communication for Jeremy is a journey of non-verbal cues, gentle babbling, and expressive facial gestures. Jeremy's needs are profound, and he requires continuous support from a family who is able to give him the care, patience, and unconditional love that he deserves. For those prepared to embark on this extraordinary journey, Jeremy eagerly awaits. Sweet Jeremy has been available for at least two years now, and still he waits for his family to find him. It hurts to watch him grow up through photos in an orphanage instead of in the arms of a family. Please don't keep this precious boy waiting. Scroll above to inquire or donate towards his adoption! He needs YOU!


Jeremy is now listed as "Mario" with CCAI! I am so sad that this perfect and adorable little boy is still waiting for a family to call his own. Jeremy is so full of love and joy, and has SO much to offer. Yet year after year, he sits and waits. Please don't let this perfect boy continue to get older, not knowing the love of a family. It is not too late for him to have early intervention services, and really thrive and reach his full potential! His list of needs is intimidating but he is just a little boy needing a mama! Could he be your son? From the agency: "Meet 4-year-old Jeremy, a child full potential and deserving of a loving family. He has shown remarkable progress in his current foster environment. Despite the challenges posed by his medical conditions, he is beginning to experience the comfort and joy that every child deserves. Jeremy feels calmer and more secure, often sleeping between 8 and 9 hours a night. He responds positively to emotional stimuli from his foster mother, demonstrating a perception of his surroundings, even though his responses are somewhat limited. While Jeremy shows a more significant deficiency in visual stimulation, not visually tracking objects such as lights or colorful items, he is responsive to tactile stimulation. He reacts warmly to caresses and kisses. Jeremy perceives some auditory stimuli, such as his foster mother's voice, rattles, and song, and tries to locate the source of these sounds. Jeremy currently lacks cephalic control and requires support while sitting. His fine motor skills are underdeveloped, and he does not yet explore objects within his reach. Despite these challenges, Jeremy shows gestures of happiness and a sense of being loved and wanted by his caregiver. Jeremy loves children's songs, and stories read to him. He especially enjoys being pampered. Love and patience are crucial, especially when Jeremy experiences low moods or becomes irritable due to his medical conditions. More than anything, Jeremy needs a loving and permanent family. Could you be that family that Jeremy needs?"
