Felice - family found!

Listed September 2022


"Felice" aka "Chloe"

Introducing adorable "Felice" aka "Chloe"! Felice is 3 years old and living in Western Europe. In addition to epilepsy, Felice is also diagnosed with tuberous sclerosis.

Felice enjoys looking at books at playing pretend. She likes to go for walks, and is a curious little girl! 

Felice has made SO much progress since moving to her current orphanage. She still struggles to trust new people and adjusting to new situations, but is getting better. 

There is no public information available about Felice's epilepsy, but an agency can give more info. 

Though "Felice" aka "Chloe" has a short bio, what is clear is that she's a precious little girl needing a forever family! She would absolutely thrive in a home where she is able to getting the quality medical care, therapies, and attention she so deserves. She is still so young, her light hasn't yet faded. Don't let her grow up an orphan! 


Sweet "Felice" is now also listed as "Claire" with Nightlight Adoptions! She currently has $0.00 in her personal grant. Her bio states: Felice is a very sweet child, who is seeking attention, interaction, care and affection from her caregivers. She is very curious, has a great interest in exploring the surroundings and loves to go for a walk with her caregivers. The girl adores the moments when her caregivers hold her on lap, read books to her or sing her a song. She also likes to play with her dolls. This beautiful little girl has waited far too long. Could you be her forever family? Click the link to make a donation towards her personal grant or to inquire! 
