
Listed January 2021

"Vaughn" aka "Elijah"

Meet sweet "Vaughn" aka "Elijah"! Vaughn is 5 years old and living in Eastern Europe. In addition to hydrocephalus, Vaughn is also diagnosed with a developmental delay, polymaformative syndrome, agenesis of the kidney, and a visual impairment.

Vaughn was abandoned by his family when he was just under a year old. He is still very young, and there is still time to get to him before he starts fading in the orphanage! He has already faced so much in his short life and needs a family to care for him and show him love.

Vaughn is a sweet boy who loves to play with musical toys. He is described as a spirited child!

There is no information provided about Vaughn's hydrocephalus or if he has a shunt placed but an agency can give more info.

Vaughn can sit independently and stand in his walker. He has a healthy appetite and is a good sleeper. Vaughn is usually calm and quiet, but when he does cry, listening to music calms him down.

Vaughn has a $2,000 grant towards his adoption with Hand in Hand Adoptions!

Could this adorable little guy be your son? "Vaughn" needs a family ASAP! He needs access to quality medical care and therapies. He needs love! Please don't forget about Vaughn. Click the link to make an inquiry! 


Vaughn is now listed as "Gavi" with Hopscotch! His update with Rainbowkids reads: Vaughn can sit unassisted but is not yet able to walk. He reaches for toys and plays with them for a little while. Vaughn babbles and is responsive when working with his physical therapist, psychologist, and pedagogue. Outside of these direct interactions, he spends most of his time in his crib and is described as tearful and restless. He has recently begun to exhibit self-injurious behaviors. Vaughn likes swinging, musical toys, and being carried in an adult’s arms. He relies on the assistance of others for all tasks of daily living. Vaughn's current support needs are high and expected to remain so. Sweet Vaughn has waited so long for a family of his own. I pray he doesn't wait much longer. Could this little boy be the missing piece of your family?

Vaughn is now listed with Children's House International! His most recent update on Rainbowkids reads: Vaughn shows sensitivity towards certain stimuli from the surrounding environment. He shows irritability during the discomfort. Individual interaction comforts him. Most of the time Vaughn is calm, he smiles and responds to the specialist working with him. He rarely cries and shows irritability. Vaughn has no pronounced interests.
