
Listed August 2019

In country adoption agencies are temporarily closed due to civil unrest. This will cause significant delays to the process. Speak with an agency for more info. 


Introducing "Bennett"! Bennett is 10 years old and living in Caribbean America. In addition to hydrocephalus, Bennett is also diagnosed with macrocephaly and epilepsy.

Bennett is a social boy who loves to make conversation and play with peers. When he meets someone new, he'll always say "Happy Birthday!" He loves to show off and do headstands when wearing his helmet! Bennett loves to jump on the trampoline, playing on the playground, and going for walks. He loves to make people smile! Bennett's favorite part of school is circle time because he gets to sing and dance. He will always raise his hand to answer questions, even if his answer has nothing to do with what was asked! He is a sweet boy with lots of personality.

Bennett has had surgery as an infant to place a shunt for his hydrocephalus. The shunt was later removed.

Bennett can independently walk, run, eat, and use the bathroom. He is generally happy, but often needs redirection. He can get frustrated when he doesn't get his way or if he's not ready for the next task. Bennett can understand and speak English as well as his native language. 

Bennett takes medication for his seizures. As of 2019, Bennett was receiving physical therapy twice a week. He wears a helmet to protect his head. 

One of Bennett's caregivers in 2021 has said that he is "so full of joy. I just know that there is a family out there who is perfect for him. I know with occupational therapy and probably some ABA therapy and the consistency of a mom and dad he would be able to do so much more. Bennett has challenges, but he has made a lot of progress in the last year... and I know he has so so so much potential that will continue to show as we work with him, but there is also so much we are not able to tap into here. Bennett loves to be included in everything. He loves to help. He loves to go for walks. He loves to greet everyone. He will bring so much laughter to your life. Bennett loves to love. He's always giving hugs and kisses and making people laugh with his silly antics. He would do well having all the attention to himself or having older siblings. He's such a smart kid and has so much potential. Overcomer, entertainer, hilarious, loving - four of the first words that come to mind when thinking of this boy."

Bennett has a $5,000 grant with Reece's Rainbow, as well as a $5,000 grant with Here I Am Orphan Ministries! 

"Bennett" has lived at the orphanage since he was a baby. This boy has lots of personality and is a ray of sunshine! He'd be the perfect son for any family. Could Bennett be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry or donate towards his adoption!

*more photos and video available with agency!*



Someone who met Bennett in February 2023 stated that: Bennett is a sweet boy with a social personality. He enjoys saying hi to his neighbors, introducing people to one another, and making sure everyone feels welcomed. During school time, I watched him practice tracing his letters. He was so attentive to his work and was very proud to how me how he could write his letters. This sweet boy would really thrive in a family that can give him the positive attention he desires, along with more school supports, OT, and PT services.
