
Listed October 2019

"Noah" aka "Nolan"

Meet adorable "Noah" aka "Nolan"! Noah is 8 years old and living in pacific Asia. In addition to a hearing impairment, Noah is also diagnosed with a genetic disorder that is likely Kleefstra Syndrome.

Noah likes to play with toys that make sounds, especially rattles. He will laugh and smile when someone talks to him. He loves attention, and is a great cuddler! 

No information is provided on Noah's hearing other that he has mild hearing loss of the left ear and moderate hearing loss of the right ear.

Noah uses a feeding tube most of the time, but is occasionally fed orally with cereal or yogurt which he enjoys. He is able to sit independently and stand with support for 30 minutes. Noah can walk about 100 steps with support. He will reach for toys and objects. 

As of 2019 Noah was receiving physical therapy.  

Kleefstra Syndrome is a genetic disorder that is caused by a deletion on chromosome 9. 

A family that met Noah in 2019 said "We've met this child and he is the BEST cuddler! He hardly ever cries, and loves to walk while holding your hands. He laughs hard when you talk loudly into his ear and he loves cartoons that sing! We were with him for a whole summer and would be happy to share more info and pictures!"

The same family also reports that "He can hear some. When we would yell in his ear he would giggle really hard. He loved playing with balloons, watching Cocomelon, and walking while holding your hand. He loved to be held/cuddled too! He currently attends OT and speech therapies and can now walk by himself and eat solid foods (he used to be fed by gtube). He's still not quite talking but can point at objects that he wants and makes an "ah ah ah" sound to get it. He loves other children and visitors. And he's in the BEST home. The children are very loved and well taken care of!"

Noah has a $500 grant towards his adoption with Madison Adoptions! As of June 2023, Noah is now listed as "Nolan" with Reece's Rainbow! He currently has $35.00 in his personal grant.

This sweet boy is getting older and bigger. He needs a family to support and love him, and give him opportunities that will help him reach his full potential. Could "Noah" be your son? Click the link to make an inquiry!

*photos and more info available with the agency!*


Sweet Noah has a new update as well as updated photos with Madison where he is listed as Nolan! His update reads: Noah can walk by himself. He enjoys walking around the center, engaging everyone, or just checking out what is happening around him. He enjoys morning and afternoon walks with his caregivers. He loves to look at himself in front of the mirror. He dances when he wants what he is watching while on the sofa. His caregivers assist and let him practice going up and down the stairs. There are times he prefers to be carried and hugged. He enjoys closeness and physical touch. He is sociable and plays on the trampoline with other children. Noah pays attention to social stimulation and imitates some actions. He is currently attending occupational and speech therapies, which has helped him improve his skills. He can now hold toys and put blocks on top of one another. Noah likes everyone in the center and loves it when visitors come around. He does not display stranger anxiety. He still does not use words, but shows his excitement by laughing and shouting "ha ha ha" in a loud exaggerated voice similar to how Santa would say "ho ho ho". Noah eats solid foods such as rice, meat, and vegetables that are cut into small pieces. He likes biscuits, yakult, plain bread, and yogurt as snacks. Noah is becoming better at expressing what he wants. He points out stuff and says "ah ah ah" when he wants to hold something. He is cooperative with his house parents and caregivers during his morning and evening care routine when taking a bath and getting dressed. Noah is loved by everyone at the child caring agency, but they are praying he will be placed in a permanent family. He has a lot of unique needs that will require special attention, financial resources, good medical specialists, and commitment of parents. He might have delays in development, but having the presence of a loving family will be of great benefit to him in reaching his full potential. He shows signs of being able to learn and improve with dedicated staff taking one-on-one time with him each day. Noah's agency believes that he will bring so much joy to a family and he will teach them how to love deeply.

Noah has spent his entire life waiting for a family. Please don't let him continue to wait. I know and have taught a little boy with Kleefstra Syndrome with needs similar to Noah's, and he is a JOY to be around. A snuggly little boy who makes friends with everyone he meets. Please take a chance on sweet little Noah. He is so worthy. Scroll above to make an inquiry or to donate towards his adoption.
