Listed September 2013


Meet "Riley"! Riley is 15 years old, and living in Eastern Europe. He is diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome and a hearing impairment. 

As of 2013, Riley did not have a preferred activity to play. He could surely thrive in a family if given the chance!

Riley is easily distracted. As of 2013. he could name his body parts, recognize pictures, and knows his colors. Riley is very emotional, and was observed to have self aggressive behaviors at times. He loves to be around people, and getting individual attention. As of 2013, Riley was mostly mimicking rather than purposeful speech, but was starting to speak. He needs assistance with eating and self care and hygiene. His mood changes easily, and sometimes struggles to follow the rules. 

Riley has a $5,000 grant towards his adoption with Reece's Rainbow!

Please don't just see Riley's deficits! He is a wonderful boy who just needs a family, and access to quality therapies and medical care. He needs to be a loved and cherished son!

Could "Riley" be YOUR son? Click the link to make an inquiry!

