SANDERS ! AGING OUT ! - updated mar 2024

Listed April 2022

Sanders will be aging out in August 2024


Meet “Sanders”! Sanders is 15 years old, and living in South America. He is diagnosed with cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Sanders also uses a feeding tube.

Sanders is small for his age but has a HUGE smile! He loves anything with lights, and going swimming.

Sanders has waited his entire life waiting for his forever family. He smiles and has certain gestures to show his love for his favorite people. Sanders is fully dependent on his caregivers, and needs someone that will give him the love and affection he so deserves, along with quality medical care and services.

Sanders does receive a type of education in his home country, though it does not say how. He had surgery in February 2018 for tendon lengthening of the adductor muscle. Sanders also is able to receive physiotherapies.

Sanders has a $5,000 grant with Reece’s Rainbow towards his adoption, as well as a $2,000 grant with Madison Adoptions! 

Sanders needs a loving family to call his own. Don’t make him wait any longer. Click the link to make an inquiry.

*photos AND videos available for interested families*

Sanders ages out in August 2024

Password: Adoptmaa


How cute is Sanders is his new school photo?! This handsome teenage boy is running out of time to find a family. He has just under a year before he ages out and it will be too late. Please don't let that happen. See his joy and CHOOSE SANDERS!


Sanders is working hard at school! He has a HUGE smile that is just so contagious! I hope and pray that this AMAZING boy doesn't age out. He is running out of time and it scares me to think what may happen to him if he's never adopted. Sanders deserves a family that will provide for all his needs and love him unconditionally. Go get your boy!
