
Listed October 2021

Sweet “Jeconiah” is 6 years old. He is living in Eastern Europe. Jeconiah has a LONG list of diagnoses, including alobar holoprosencephaly, congenital maxillofacial abnormalities, epilepsy, and a developmental delay.

Please don’t let Jeconiah’s intensive needs scare you away. Total care kiddos are just as deserving as any other child of love and attention! Alobar holoprosencephaly is usually fatal in utero, so the fact that Jeconiah is 4 YEARS OLD is a MIRACLE!!! And this miracle boy needs a family to call him their son 💚

Jeconiah has big brown eyes and chubby cheeks, a handsome little boy. He is cognitively at the level of a newborn baby. He fully depends on his caregivers for his daily needs. He uses a feeding tube, and has been noted to not react to any stimuli.

Please see miracle boy Jeconiah and all his potential. He desperately needs a mama to show him that love and affection he so deserves.

Click the link below to make an inquiry 💚

Alobar Holoprosencephaly (HPE) is usually caused by trisomy 13, but there can be other causes. In Jeconiah's case, it is not clear, but trisomy 13 is when there are 3 copies of chromosome 13. Holoprosencephaly is a condition in which the baby's brain does not properly separate into two different hemispheres. There are several different types, each resulting in delayed development and distinct facial features. In Jeconiah's case, he is diagnosed with alobar holoprosencephaly, a condition in which the two hemispheres of the brain have not divided at all. The brain is fused, and many babies with this condition die shortly after birth. Jeconiah is a MIRACLE boy who desperately needs medical care and a forever family!

Jeconiah is still waiting for his mama, his forever family. This rare chromosome disorder awareness week, think of Jeconiah, and all the joy he could bring to your home. Don't let him grow up in an orphanage.


Updated photo September 2022

